
New Member
Right after much help from all you guys my situation is now this.....
I have changed thermostat, water pump, temp gauge sender unit and changed the coolant, now for some reason top hose is not hot but is warm running temp and for some dumbass reason my battery light has decided to satay on whislt engine is running( have only just noticed this....

What have i done wrong or mischecked...

either air locked near thermostat need to be filled with bung out ,or thermostat not opening properly due to fault or not upto running temp
well i had ir running for a while and even took it for a small drive and temp gauge is in beteween lines but no yet halfway if that makes sense....
well i had ir running for a while and even took it for a small drive and temp gauge is in beteween lines but no yet halfway if that makes sense....

TDI lumps do take a while to get up to temp.........mine takes forever if just sat ticking over
yeah i am happy that top hose is warm, so after a few miles i think it would be at halfway and everything cushty.......as for batt light staing on is annoying, have just had a look at the wires that ar connected to alternator, and they seem fine.....it has nevver given me any problems before, just noticed it now after i have changed coolant and stuff
have a careful look at the wires, especially check the crimping of the terminal, a loose crimping with some oil inside is sufficient to give you headaches !

if you have a voltmeter available, check the battery voltage with engine not running then running, a good and fully loaded 12V battery should be slightly above 12 volts and there should be something like 2 volts more when the alternator is loading the battery
will try it tomoz, i guess it is safe to say i am resorting to public transport for the rest of week then, as don't know if i can drive it if it is not charging, and also while you guys are here, is it normal for a puff of whiteish smoke to come from exhaust on start up( also something i have just noticed)
well i hope it is nowt serious, just backed the landy down the drive as will not drive it with the battery light on, got a feeling she is gonna stand for a while as i need to get coil springs, shocks, steering damper and new brakes, and to top it all off, i just heard a noise when turning steering wheel from left to right, sounds like the power steering pump, like i said before, hope that is normal and all
right lads just checked battery and it shows 12.57 volts, and when i run the engine for a bit and rev it it goes down to 12.32 volts and i let it idle for a while and checked it again and it shows 12.28 volts......any ideas
take some means of jump starting it.
Halfrauds dont keep stock of alternators, but to get it refurbed should be about £50

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