
New Member
I need an offcut of aluminium. It needs to be in checkmate pattern.... proper suppliers with pics..

I need a piece around 18inches by 6 inches to do the job i need. If you have more id be tempted.

Im not paying £50-£75 a sheet plus p&p for this job and i cant seem to find any dealers for offcuts locally.

boo, av you tried the special offer/ clearance section on the web web page that you have put on your post, there is vairious sizes not at £50!!!!! seen some at £14 if its the right stuff im looking at. its worth a look cos if any one on here has any then it could cost you just as much second hand as it would buying new, your forgetting that this is the landyzone and we're all tight wads unless it comes to our own 4x4, be happy

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