
New Member

Realised that it's not going to be feasable to have my Range on the road with such a soft ride and wallowy suspension. Has anyone had experience with hardening up the ride a little, as let's face it, I'll be using it more on the road.
Anti-roll bars are definitely on the way.
Where can I get hardened and lower springs?
The adapters from Simmonites - what wheels do they allow me to fit? Any 5 bolt?


Any reputable parts store will sell you hardened springs such as

JSF Norwich
Paddocks Matlock
Rimmerbros Lincoln.

You could also try replacing the bushes within the suspension with Poly Bushes system to give a harder ride (lot of work involved in that though) I'm thinking about doing it to mine.

You're entire Suspension system may need replacing (due to age) such as Bushes/Shocks/Springs.

Check the bushes for failures and the springs for breaks oh and check the pannard rods for fractures (Fast Fit companies do like to use these points to jack from)

I hope this is some kind of help

ta. mech will throw up any probs. loads of $ to use on the car, so will look into replacing suspension. Also, I'd like to fit p38a headlights. Something morbid involving Range Rovers - go to, click the image tab, type 'range rover front' and search. Go to the second page and open the site that is - disturbing


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