
New Member
I'm in Newtown Powys wales & my front prop rear UJ has developed bad squeak & play. Typical bank holiday - no where open. I got wife, kids, 2 dogs & caravan.

I stopped & asked garage bloke & he said go steady & be ok. If it goes really bad I will take front prop off but last Time I did this I had death wobbles - caused by track being toe out & axle not driven.

Any thoughts

Breakdown cover like most normal people and if you get stuck LZIR
Yeah, I might green flag it & get free trip home.

I don't think off roading on the beach helped.

If the joint fails the prop will cause damage- green flag would be best.

If you get stuck we may be able to provide assistance
Hi thanks for advice. Got back to West Mids at 11.30 pm after waiting for recovery; but at least home safe.

On checking UJ on prop, it's almost destroyed. There's loads of movement in the yolks when twisting. So new part required. The VCU was changed few months ago so may have had a impact then.

Just as a funny note. On Saturday I assisted in pulling a Renault Van from the sea that had sunk to its axles. The coast guard ford pickup couldn't do it alone. So I pulled him, pulling van. We got it out, but surfers in wet suits had firstly put rope round front bumper & power steering; which subsequently pulled it off. Then round track rod and front cross member; which pulled these off. The guys van was pretty destroyed by the time we pulled it out of the sea. I will put the video up soon of "P38 Pulls vehicles from the clutches of the Sea" lol.

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