
Active Member
Good Day all,

Having had a Td5 Disco for some time, i learnt the error of my ways and have binned the horrible engine and gone back to a simple 90!

Now the proud owner of a 1987 Land Rover 90, 2.5NA!

Have been floating about on here, but now back from the D2 boys club, with my proper land rover!

I'm sure i'll need some help and advice, but also have a good Td5 knowledge as well as a bit more to offer now!

Nice to see some of the old faces are still here! Look forward to catching up.

So i'm Dan, I work for Flatdog at the shows, enjoy my shooting and scouting and thats pretty much it!

Take care

Welcome back Dan,I too had a D2 td5 I loved it but I love my defender more, D2 boys club is a good group but landy zone is the way forward, so much knowledge on here:high5:

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