I posted this a few days ago in the Engines forum, but although 20 people have looked at it nobody's managed to give me a reply, so I'm hoping the folks in here will be more welcoming:

I love my TD4 Freelander dearly but I'm no techie; I have it serviced regularly and it gives me great reliability in return. As I don't do techie I don't mess - I keep my involvement under the bonnet to checking fluid levels every two weeks.

For the first time since I got it, I find the oil needs topping up. That's fine, that's within the sphere of even my competence - or is it? The first problem is that I can't get the oil cap off; its not just tight, it feels as though there is something stopping it from being removed. Being plastic I really don't want to use a wrench to turn it; does it lift up, or should it be pressed down or something before being turned? Or do I just need to show it the wrench and give it some welly? Its the square yellow one, if that helps.

The other question I wanted to ask is which oil should I use? I don't understand the difference in oil grades, and the handbook gives me a choice of grades ranging from 0W/30 to 10W/60; looking at this list I assume that for the temperature range we're likely to find in good old Brighton I should look for something like a 10W/30, but in the local Halfords there seems to be only a dozen different brands of 15W/40, each of which is said to conform to ACEA A2, whatever that means. The handbook states the oil should meet specification ACEA A3 or B3...

I realise that my Freelander is a 2004 model and the handbook reflects specifications that will have changed in the intervening years, but what current spec oil is good for this engine? Is 15W/40 OK, and should it be mineral oil or synthetic? Sorry to be asking such basic questions but with 107,000 miles on the clock the engine runs so sweetly that I don't want to do anything that might screw it up!
Hi. The oil cap always sticks solid. It turns anti-clockwise one 1/4 turn to remove it. If it's stiff then use some extra leverage. ;)
Oil is an individual thing tbh. I always use Fuchs 5w40 full synthetic for the TD4. 5w30 is much to thin for an old engine and was only used to aid fuel economy.
Asda had there own brand 5w40 full synthetic on offer last week. It cost £7.99 for 5 litres, yes that's right. 5 lts of full synth for under £8. Bargain or what.

You can ignore the test specifications these days. All modern oils far exceed the minimum spec requirement of the 15 year old + TD4 engine design. ;)
Asda had there own brand 5w40 full synthetic on offer last week. It cost £7.99 for 5 litres, yes that's right. 5 lts of full synth for under £8. Bargain or what.

You can ignore the test specifications these days. All modern oils far exceed the minimum spec requirement of the 15 year old + TD4 engine design. ;)

Now that was or is a very good bargain, off to Asda in the morning ;) or even later if I am up late as per usual
Thank you guys - 10w40 it is - I ordered the 5 litre as described, complete with the discount! And thanks for the reassurance about the oil cap; I really thought there must be some sort of mechanical lock on it, but I'll put a pipe wrench on it and ease it off.

She might nearly 14 years and 107,000 miles old but I still get 38mpg which I think is pretty good for an almost two-tonne car with the aerodynamics of a breeze block. I love her to bits and just wanted to make sure I didn't do anything to **** her off!
It's heart warming to hear of a fellow freelanderer who is also in love with their Freelander and caring for it. :)

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