
Well-Known Member
Could anyone help with a problem, I've got a series 3 with a 2.5na in it. The problem is that the clown that did the work replaced the original switch with the one in the pic below.
2016-10-14 19.07.24.jpg
Needless to say it's not very good at letting me know what the oil pressure is doing. What I need to know is what is the thread of the switch? The bolt they put in has chewed up the thread so it will need heli-coiling. I think it's an M10 of some sort but not sure which one. I cannot wait to find what else has been bodged. Thanks
Getting a replacement may be the easiest route to be honest. I have bought a new pressure switch but all I can say is I think it is M10 I've ordered some thread gauges because I am fed up guessing threads. LOL The bolt they used isn't the same thread as the switch and I bet when they put it in it went tight after a few turns but numbnutz carried on tightening that fecker up!
Treat it to a lovely capillary gauge, that way you'll have real info on actual oil pressure [which you may not like!] stick with the oil light and it just tells you when it's to late! Also you can tap it to suit the "sender" or if that's to fu**ed to the next size adaptor - Durite probably your best bet, good luck
Thread is likely to be 1/8" NPT thread or if metric 10x1mm. Certainly not what looks like a 10x1.5 mm bolt shown in your piccy.
Already ahead of you on the capillary gauge so I will need a t-piece only problem is the threads. I had come the conclusion last night that it was probably m10x1 but I am waiting to get my thread gauges first. Getting the wrong size thread was getting a bit tedious, you wouldn't believe how many not quite right bolts I have around the place! I cannot wait to see what the inside of the engine is like!
Already ahead of you on the capillary gauge so I will need a t-piece only problem is the threads. I had come the conclusion last night that it was probably m10x1 but I am waiting to get my thread gauges first. Getting the wrong size thread was getting a bit tedious, you wouldn't believe how many not quite right bolts I have around the place! I cannot wait to see what the inside of the engine is like!

If the switch has a copper washer sealing it,s base, will be straight 10x1 mm, if it has no washer it will be 1/8" NPT taper. Both are very similar in O/D, but NPT has 27 threads per inch and metric around 25 threads per inch.

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