changed my oil filters 8 months ago but have done less than 2,000 miles since. No problems until last week... had been driving down the motorway for about an hour, pulled off and got to within a mile of home when my oil light came on. Pulled over, turned the engine off, turned it back on, light stayed off so I drove home. Checked the oil level the following day. Looked bang on but a put a drop in anyway. Took it for a spin. After a mile the light came on again. Pulled over, turned the engine off, turned it back on, pulled away but this time the light came back on almost instantly, Again, turned the engine off and on again and this time the light stayed off - I drove it straight back home. Yikes. It is not flickering. It’s either on or off. But when it comes on it shows no sign of turning off until you turn the engine off and on again. Although I haven’t run the engine for a long time while the light has been on for fear doing some serious damage. Any ideas? I am going to run a oil pressure test next week but do you think this sound like an electrical fault or a problem with the sensor?
The simplest thing to do first is replacement the oil pressure switch with a new one. It’s not unknown for the spring inside to loose the tension on the contact diaphragm.

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