On my way back from B&Q and the disco 2 lost drive. Pulled over and ATF oil all over the road. £70.00 to get recovered and on inspection oil cooler pipe had parted at the swaged connection on the passenger side. Does anyone know if this can be repaired with a jubilee clip or word the complete oil cooler pipe require replacement. Cheers
I'd replace them both given their age - they are not expensive, and they do fail .....but you knew that ;) :D

IOW - they are probably the same age, therefore if one has gone, the other probably won't be far behind o_O:eek:
dear enough then :rolleyes: ho hum, cheaper than a gearbox :confused: ...

IIRC, the unions on the gearbox are a bit awkward to get to ..... worth checking you have a short ish (24mm?) spanner ?
If you pulled over quick enough and didn't try to rev it up while in gear, hopefully you'll be alright gearbox wise. Crossed fingers for you!

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