Good day folks,
I just happen to accumulate dumb questions. Too dumb to even try to ask seriously. If you have a beer in your mitten right now, grip it tighter, it is a mentally tough post
If you don't want your time wasted - don't hesitate to skip this.
So.. basically, two things.
I am using 5w30 Special Tec from Liqui Moly. It's the Landy's second oil change done with this oil. While I am not sure that this is the absolute best choice for my circumstances, there are a couple of things with my engine that I just don't understand. First thing is, this oil seems to shrink way too much in cold weather. To the point that I am wondering if she is consuming oil or if she is just too cold. To give you a perspective: +8C (46F) - the dipstick shows full. +2C (35F) - around 0.3cm(1/8 inch) below full. -8C (17F) and she even slowly creeps towards the lower half of the dipstick scale. But the kicker is: once the temp is back to "agreeable", like 8C - she is back to full. The oil does not smell of diesel(although I have to admit that my nose is rather dull - even the MTF doesn't smell too bad for me) and the level has not gone over full on its own, doesn't feel diluted by anything too, looks healthy.
The second thing is also peculiar to me. On this 5w30 oil she seems to start consuming it, but only after certain km's done on it, usually very close to the oil change. I went on a trip in this car through the Alps - 8hrs of driving every day, 5000km - no oil consumption. Got back home, a couple of days later a 300km drive and BOOM - 1/4 of a dipstick gone. The speeds I am driving at are usually either city speeds or 100km/h(60mph) max - no smoke, no major leaks.
My current plan of actions - I am switching to a 5w40 oil and will monitor how she fares.
What to you think about all this? Is oil level jumping like that due to air temp normal? Does your TD5 have any oil consumption quirks?
I think I might have read about a TD5 Defender that did this thing with eating oil when the oil change mileage approached.
My knowledge about oils and automotive fluids is slightly warped due to my first car being a Lada Niva
I just happen to accumulate dumb questions. Too dumb to even try to ask seriously. If you have a beer in your mitten right now, grip it tighter, it is a mentally tough post

If you don't want your time wasted - don't hesitate to skip this.
So.. basically, two things.
I am using 5w30 Special Tec from Liqui Moly. It's the Landy's second oil change done with this oil. While I am not sure that this is the absolute best choice for my circumstances, there are a couple of things with my engine that I just don't understand. First thing is, this oil seems to shrink way too much in cold weather. To the point that I am wondering if she is consuming oil or if she is just too cold. To give you a perspective: +8C (46F) - the dipstick shows full. +2C (35F) - around 0.3cm(1/8 inch) below full. -8C (17F) and she even slowly creeps towards the lower half of the dipstick scale. But the kicker is: once the temp is back to "agreeable", like 8C - she is back to full. The oil does not smell of diesel(although I have to admit that my nose is rather dull - even the MTF doesn't smell too bad for me) and the level has not gone over full on its own, doesn't feel diluted by anything too, looks healthy.
The second thing is also peculiar to me. On this 5w30 oil she seems to start consuming it, but only after certain km's done on it, usually very close to the oil change. I went on a trip in this car through the Alps - 8hrs of driving every day, 5000km - no oil consumption. Got back home, a couple of days later a 300km drive and BOOM - 1/4 of a dipstick gone. The speeds I am driving at are usually either city speeds or 100km/h(60mph) max - no smoke, no major leaks.
My current plan of actions - I am switching to a 5w40 oil and will monitor how she fares.
What to you think about all this? Is oil level jumping like that due to air temp normal? Does your TD5 have any oil consumption quirks?
I think I might have read about a TD5 Defender that did this thing with eating oil when the oil change mileage approached.
My knowledge about oils and automotive fluids is slightly warped due to my first car being a Lada Niva