
New Member
Hi all,

As stated previously, I recently bought my FIRST LANDIE. On top of that, I am a bit "technically/mechanically challenged" so excuse my ignorance - or lack of the correct jargon....

How do I check and change my "transfer box" :confused: oil levels? I got underneath the other day and could see where I assume you can drain the oil, but how do I will it up??

The best method i have found is to remove the center seat and use a meter or so of pipe and funnel.
Same again for the GB.
the Hanyes book has the location of the fillers and drainers.
A good little cheat - and to avoid having to go in from the top is to use the level hole on the side and a squeezy oil bottle with a bit of pipe attached. some of the small sized gearbox oil bottles have such a pipe attached. once you have drained the t/box, undo the fill plug on the side and squeeze the OEP oil ( in the mob it was OEP 220 - takes me back) into the hole a little at a time so it doesn't come p*****g back out if you over fill it. saves a lot of time.
A good little cheat - and to avoid having to go in from the top is to use the level hole on the side and a squeezy oil bottle with a bit of pipe attached. some of the small sized gearbox oil bottles have such a pipe attached. once you have drained the t/box, undo the fill plug on the side and squeeze the OEP oil ( in the mob it was OEP 220 - takes me back) into the hole a little at a time so it doesn't come p*****g back out if you over fill it. saves a lot of time.

ffs ah dint think he actually meant that you wuz to take the top off the fookin g/box to fill it. ah think yule find wot he meant wuz to take the bits out so you could get to the FILLER/LEVEL plug without crawling around underneath and also so that yer could use a funnel to pour it in rather than take three folking days with a fooking squeezy bottle.
illternativlay yer could use a garden sprayer with the nozzle cut orf. pump it up to pressurise it and away yer go.

a good little cheat? fer folk sake thats the way its meant to be did! well cept fer the squeezy bottle bit
As above, make sure the drain plug on the transfer box is at the lowest level (I have seen the plate the wrong way around) drain all the oil , have you a dispenser to pump the oil in ? if not re use the 1 L EP oil bottle and hose. The (willer plug) Filler plug is next to the hand brake housing next to the speedo cable. :)

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