"Tom Woods" <news@NOPSAMtomwoods.co.uk> wrote in message
> On Fri, 21 Jul 2006 19:47:58 +0100, "Nige"
> <nigel.inceBUGGEROFF@btinternet.com> wrote:
>>wayne@lardrover.co.uk wrote:
>>> Is this you selling a trike?
>>> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110011301931&fromMakeTrack=true

>>hehehe uncanny!

> Wrong type of footwear! :)

And the wrong colour too.... no where near purple enough.

Though it does appear to get about a bit , no mention of Amsterdam yet
though in the advert. Spooky resemblence though... I guess thats what you'd
look like if you were thinner Martyn ;-)

Lee D

a.f.l. & 101ers Unofficial October 2006

"Anti's - Give
them enough rope and they'll be stuck in a ditch with alot of rope ;-) "

On Fri, 21 Jul 2006 18:43:04 GMT, wayne@lardrover.co.uk wrote:

>Is this you selling a trike?

Odd you should say that...

I wish I had that much hair :)

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On Fri, 21 Jul 2006 21:32:13 +0100, "Lee_D"
<newsgroupNOSPAM@NOSPAMlrproject.com> wrote:

>I guess thats what you'd
>look like if you were thinner Martyn ;-)

I have a long memory and an unforgiving personality you know...

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