out door paul

New Member
i am going to a 4x4 event this weekend north yorkshire somewere,

i have never been off roading b4 properly anyone give me some advise? about going up and down hills ect.. say i get hlaf way up a hill and my wheel's just start spinning? :mad: to be honest am quite scared haha

also i have got some side steps on shall i whip them off b4 i go ?

should i get a 2" lift b4 i go? was thinkin of gettin a lift anyone but do i need one?
Theres a web site with all that sort of information on it. Its address has been posted on here a few times, 4x4 magazine or something like that. Try a search for offroading.

I'd take everything off that you can't straighten with a 7lb hammer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
out door paul said:
i am going to a 4x4 event this weekend north yorkshire somewere,

i have never been off roading b4 properly anyone give me some advise? about going up and down hills ect.. say i get hlaf way up a hill and my wheel's just start spinning? :mad: to be honest am quite scared haha
My top 2 bits of advice would be:
  • If you're not sure about the road ahead stop, get out and walk it first.
  • Drive using the highest possible gear in low box.
These are the two biggest mistakes novices make - pressing on for fear of holding others up and getting stuck because they're driving everywhere in 1st and 2nd low. Your wheels are more likely to spin and get stuck if you are in too low a gear. If you stall - so what, back up and try in a lower gear.

also i have got some side steps on shall i whip them off b4 i go ?
I would

i get a 2" lift b4 i go? was thinkin of gettin a lift anyone but do i need one?
Wouldn't bother yet. See if you like it, and as your confidence grows you may want to get a lift and larger tyres to raise the car up a bit

Happy laning - tell us how you get on and post some pics?

Oh PS - I'm getting used to those tints BTW!!!!
i was always taught to use 2nd low for nearly everything. use the same for downhill with feet off the pedals.

it works for me most of the time. does anyone here know a better method/s?
1st gear low, and be prepared to give it some gas if the engine provides too much braking.

Suggest you go and buy a copy of this months Land Rover Enthusiast Mag - it's got a DVD on the front which although is a few years old - the fundamentals are addressed.
ormus said:
i was always taught to use 2nd low for nearly everything. use the same for downhill with feet off the pedals.

it works for me most of the time. does anyone here know a better method/s?

Yep - use more gears. Sorry, but this is crackers.
i can't beleive we have a thread teaching someone to off-road. its suicide. the best thing to do is go to the event jump in someones passenger seat and go around with them for a good few hours first. ask lots of questions and heed good advice.
yella is right i went off road at tickhill a few month ago and saw a smart ars in a new disco 3 on his roof thought it was easy would not like the bill to put that right
yella disco said:
i can't beleive we have a thread teaching someone to off-road. its suicide. the best thing to do is go to the event jump in someones passenger seat and go around with them for a good few hours first. ask lots of questions and heed good advice.

Understand where you're coming from - but I'm just giving a little advice as you have.
Paul, what good is a 2" lift if the event is 30 miles away i'd ask the driver for a lift all the way there, I'm just thinking of your health here mate :eek:
Widget said:
Understand where you're coming from - but I'm just giving a little advice as you have.

not having a pop at you widget, just stating that its unreal that someone is willing to go offroading for the first time with just advice off a website.
1st or 2nd low box for dscents. Try pressing gently on the accelorator if you start to slide. This gives you some control over your direction, 'tho it will feel un-natural at first. I would exect your truck to be happy in third low most of the time, but maybe someone who ectually uses the same vehicle as you will know better! Use the vehicle's tourque rather than all out revs. With mud you will find that momentom is your biggest weapon. Don't ease off at the last moment! (best not to go too fast tho' 'cos you are likely to break something) Hope this helps. Really you got to get used to your own vehicle, and remember to enjoy it. (oh yeah, expect to get stuck, it's part of the fun)
1st or 2nd low box for dscents. Try pressing gently on the accelorator if you start to slide. This gives you some control over your direction, 'tho it will feel un-natural at first. I would exect your truck to be happy in third low most of the time, but maybe someone who ectually uses the same vehicle as you will know better! Use the vehicle's tourque rather than all out revs. With mud you will find that momentom is your biggest weapon. Don't ease off at the last moment! (best not to go too fast tho' 'cos you are likely to break something) Hope this helps. Really you got to get used to your own vehicle, and remember to enjoy it. (oh yeah, expect to get stuck, it's part of the fun)
Ross+Pug said:
1st or 2nd low box for dscents. Try pressing gently on the accelorator if you start to slide. This gives you some control over your direction, 'tho it will feel un-natural at first. I would exect your truck to be happy in third low most of the time, but maybe someone who ectually uses the same vehicle as you will know better! Use the vehicle's tourque rather than all out revs. With mud you will find that momentom is your biggest weapon. Don't ease off at the last moment! (best not to go too fast tho' 'cos you are likely to break something) Hope this helps. Really you got to get used to your own vehicle, and remember to enjoy it. (oh yeah, expect to get stuck, it's part of the fun)


Good use of punctuation, spelling and use of hyphenation needs improvement. Saying it twice really won't help though. 6/10

And FFS don't encourage Indoor Plop - he's on detention already and the kids in the schoolyard have started to pick on him.
i really hate having to say this but for once (and it will be only once) i agree with dildo;)

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