nathan lansdell

New Member
hi people, just a general question really, as some of you may no, from my previous post, im planning on a trip to africa next time, as im going to be staying in populated areas as well as the sticks i need an off road vehicle that i can sleep, (i dont have the funds to stay at hotels etc while im out there).

the problem i have is my 110 is just 2 small but i have such a tight budget i just dont know what else to look for, im 21 and can get a hgv licence, so it has to be something on a car licence, it has to be big enought to stand it, must be able to go off road and under £5000 (could be more if already pre-built) can anybody suggest a vehicle that meets the above

thanks again
5k and capable off road? Rules out a H2 then :D

How 'off road' do you mean by 'off road' ? A SWB transit van is pretty capable with the right tyres on it... always provided you're not trying to climb dams or cross the Sahara. Cheap to buy and simple to fix... gearboxes are a little bit fragile, but then you ain't going to be driving it like a 17 year old apprentice plumber on a mission are ya?

Renault master - much the same as the above.

Can't think of much else in that price bracket - unless you can get yer hands on a 101. But they're V8's and seriously juicy and converting one to a decent sized diesel would cost more than your entire budget most likely.

unfortunatly im going to be traveling accross the Sahara, thats part of my trip. :(

i did look at the 101, and i fell in love with it, but because diesels are so hard to find that one was rulled out, :mad:

ive also looked at a 130 with workshop body, but they cost over £6500. so thats rulled out, :mad: phew i really am in a pickle here aint i lol. :rolleyes:

one thing i am looking at is cheap, trucks like bedfords, i belive i can drive these on a car licence if i mot it as a camper, (not sure bout that yet)

thank you though for your reply adz
There are a few slightly cheaper 130's kicking about - I paid £4k for mine on a P reg. Came with big BFG Muds, Winch and H/D springs. I'm only second owner - first being en electric company so also had big quadtech body on back. (and it's a 300tdi!)
i thought it would be, but ive found that by the time i put my gear on board, i wont have enought room to put a bed in, and i need someware i can cook, sleep if the weather is really poor, or we are in a populated area where our roof tent cant be used, so a 110 is still not comfortable.
how many of you will there be?
ive seen carawagon pop up roofs sell on e bay.
to be fair , loads of people have used 110's so either your packing way too much gear or your 110 has rear seats.
perhaps your vehicles layout needs a re-think?
the problem i have is people i have spoken 2, say that when they stay in towns etc, they stay in hotels etc, which my budget doesnt stretch, and i need someware comfortable to sleep and cook if the weather is a little crap, and im a bit of a big fella, and this is a little bit of a struggle in the back of the defender lol
try (i think - that's who I got mine from, he's based in ossett, nr Wakefield) and I did see one or two on foley's website a bit back.

Think it's just a case of keeping eyes open - there a bit like buses in that one minute theres none and next minute there's loads!

Have seen one or two on ebay go for as little as £2500 but they were dropside pickups.
why not stay just outside of the town? Who wants to sleep in a town anyway when theres stars and desert and the like?

You could always string up a cargo net between the two sides at the bit where the roof joins the side panels, bung a camping mat on it and sleep up there suspended over your hopefully not too overloaded loadbed. cook on the back door or tailgate. Sit and eat outisde or in yer front seat.

By the way, I know of someone near here who might be selling a 130 with no engine or back body for under a grand. Ideal camper conversion, bung in a tdi, get a second hand rear box (foleys sometimes have em) and there you go..
just had a butchers at your web site , thats a nice old 110.
if you are going to be in there on your own perhaps a fold down bed might be an option , folding down from the side , or a hammock.
me and the ms's are planning a jaunt down there next year and we will be doing it in a 90. i plan to use a layer of chequar plating resting on both wheel arches with pull out drawers underneath , the cooker on a flap tray on the back door , a fridge up back and fuel and water stored on each side. somehow ive got to squeeze in some tools and other bits and bobs but the key will be to take essential things only.
i think with carefull planing you should be able to make it work. just dont take the kitchen sink.;)
Nathan - just been looking at your website - that 110 is a perfect expedition vehicle - don't bother with anything else!

You could always get a cheap roofrack of ebay or one of the landy sites, put a bit of ply on it and get a 20 quid dome tent. Pre-fix big staples to the ply where the guy lines are to go and you'll be able to get the thing put up as fast as any rooftent - and it'll have cost you what 100 quid tops?

2008 sees quite a few of us forum-ites heading off to africaland. We should do a convoy! I'm off april or may.. that is providing I can build up Edith and get an mot / insurance for a heavily modded machine for the trip! (a 90 by the way for two chunky travellers)
I have a 130 with a quadtec rear and have opened it up so you can get from the front to the rear, had planed to go to India in it and i think there is plenty of room, it also has a very large roof rack over the bonnet. The roof of the quadtec lifts so it is possible to stand up in the rear when cooking etc. Can send you pics if you wish.
I'd quite like to see pics. I'm in one of those catch 22 situations with mine - could really do with taking quadtech off to put a dropside or tipper on but quite fancy making the quatech into a camper/overlander.

Trying to cobble together some sort of de-mount system to run both
hi people, wow, i really really do owe you guys so much, your always coming out with great advice, its nice to be on a forum, where people are really patchent with the junior members, who perhaps ask to many questions (including silly ones :D )

im also very impressed with the fact that some of you own 90s and are doing it, makes me reallise what i have will work.
i have just sat down with my mum (mums are great at designing aint they lol) and using some of your ideas we have come up with a design that should work, so im planning on giving that a go,

im glad you like the website, ive just done some more to the landy which i havent added yet (just finished off the insulation and put full carpet in)

oh and i ment to add killing 2 birds with one stone, some of you had helped me with my question on a td intercooler, i have managed to get the landy booked in to have a disco engine fitted by a friend, (good old trusty credit card helped with that lol)

thank you again, people, ill keep you all posted on my cupboards etc, (its my birthday in 3 weeks, lol im hinting to my dad that i want my cupboards built for it lol :D )
Nathan - just been looking at your website - that 110 is a perfect expedition vehicle - don't bother with anything else!

You could always get a cheap roofrack of ebay or one of the landy sites, put a bit of ply on it and get a 20 quid dome tent. Pre-fix big staples to the ply where the guy lines are to go and you'll be able to get the thing put up as fast as any rooftent - and it'll have cost you what 100 quid tops?

I just did a couple of weeks using just a quick pitch tent... they are superb! only needs a single fixing front and back.

A few weeks ago I went camping with a mate... I had my quick pitch up and pegged down before he'd even got his out of the bag..!!!

I couldnt recommend them higher for the money...
I've tested mine to the max now and it's not let me down once. Rain, Snow, Ice, heat... they're great.
Practice putting them away though...

Decathalon sports shops do a good range of them all for under £50 - or £1200 for a roof tent.!!!

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