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MOT is due next week, and me being the idiot that I am didn't think to check the odometer readings on the MOT to the actual reading on the cars odometer.

Just noticed now that for the past 4 years the reading have been 132k, 138k, 144k, 150k... I bought it last November with 188k on the clock and it's now done 127k.

Rang the MOT garage, he said we put in what is on the clock, so the garage I bought it from must have put it back. I bought it 2 weeks after the most recent MOT, and the MOT was spotless. The car, in the condition I bought it in was in pretty good shape, but there were sections that wouldn't have passed a normal MOT (rust holes in boot floor and sills, for example).

Now, the guy at the garage said I should be fine as when I take it in for it's MOT they will just alter the odometer reading to what it's currently at, but what do I do when I come to sell it or if someone reports it and then the DVLA or whoever deals with that sort of stuff comes knocking?

I know it's my fault for not checking last year, but it honestly makes me feel really stupid. Also, my engine now has done 160k miles rather than the 127k i thought it had done, so I'm gonna book it in for a big service.

Thanks for any help.
as long as you aren't clocking it, and making a note then don't worry. people stick new engines/odometers in all the time.

i'd just leave it and stick a note on the mot
As above really.

Mine has different clocks in now since removing my abs and subsequently a lower milage reading.
Changed the clocks to get rid of the abs and srs lights as both have now been removed as it's an MOT fail should either of the lights not extinguish.

The milage was not mentioned by my MOT tester. So passed without a problem. :)
i've also had the dealers do it btw. micra cluster broke under warranty so they replaced with a new one which reset it to 0.

made a note and no issue.
Mine goes between 100000 and 100009 as has done for several years. MOT man doesnt say anything about it
If the garage you bought it from have been clocking cars, I think you should report them to the police or trading standards even if your previous MOTs aren't enough evidence, they could trace cars they've clocked & sold.

However, the MOT tester will only record what's on the odometer. The only legal problem that I know of is that you're committing a crime if you knowingly sell it as having a lower mileage than it actually has. If you do eventually sell it, you should point out to the buyer that the mileage may not be accurate.

For example, I know that my bike has done about 1000 miles more than it says, because the speedo drive packed up when I was on holiday. I will tell the buyer this if I eventually sell it.
Not looking to sell it anyway I just noticed it when looking at my old MOT papers.

Think I'll give trading standards a ring as the garage was run by a few dodgy characters and they advertise all their land rovers as low mileage.

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