If you look they are all listed as 2004...I think they don't know how to fill in the database of information correctly....

But holly monkeys that is a fook load of cash....
A new 5.0 Supercharged in Bangladesh cost approx 800k in GBP. Its massive taxes AND shameless profiteering by the dealer (not that he's sold any that I know of!). I think its cool though. Its the government's way of saying "This a poor country where half the people haven't a proper roof over their heads. If you want to be a pillock and show off your money, let us help you make a real statement."
Up until a couple of years ago Kenya was a magnet for any stolen motor you could think of. Nick it over here, stick it in a container, and bob was your uncle - cash would appear as if by magic at the other end.

Then the authorities at both ends got wise, but the more determined oiks sent them ringers instead of just plain nicked ones, badly done, but good enough to foil the random cunning PNC check at the customs shed. Nowadays everyone would like to think they are on top of things but the odd wrong 'un, give otr take several thousand, still gets through somehow, can't think why that might be, corruption perhaps.....

Anyway, don't be fooled into thinking this is easy money, scoop up a few Rangies, box them up and wait for the cheque - that ain't going to happen. For a start there has to be an 'approved' agent at their end, a government approved guy who will always want a hefty cut - that is after you have paid all the shipping and duties.

Many a naive seller has lost sight of their beloved Rangie at this point never to see it or their money again. Seller beware in this case.

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