
Hi all, now come back to Freelanders again as a few years and purchased a very tidy 2005 3 door TD4 done 124k.
Car is a trade dealer sale so aware there was going to be some issues!!!!!.

Its body and interior is cracking so took the gamble.

Started fine both times I saw it so guess it must have been started before I got there!!

Like a plonker I did manage to over redex it, think that's now diluted enough, changed the positive battery terminal. Fixed the side lights etc so a few small jobs done. Got rear springs to do but once I fix the problems below.

Its suffering from a cold start problem in the morning, turns over tries to fire and then will after about 5 - 10 turns stutter into life. Some times once it stars its lumpy then clears in a few seconds.Once used its behaves all day and starts first turn.

Taken the injector connectors off and made sure there connecting ok, sorted some vacuum pipes that didn't look any good. It was serviced by a 4x4 specialist list month by previous owner.

OK, changed three glow plugs, and you guessed it the fourth has snapped just below the bolt in the head.
I still have compression so its driveable.

Before I ring the garage tomorrow, any idea on a rough cost to get it out?

Seen the tool sets for £25 on fleebay, just not brave enough to use one as don't want to drop anything in the block.
Before I ring the garage tomorrow, any idea on a rough cost to get it out?

I'd leave it for a bit. It'll start just fine on 3 good plugs, mines been starting like that for years. Missing after starting and a delayed start is likely down to bad injectors.
Many Thanks, sending it in to get it checked. Been quoted up to three hours labour to remove it! Thought it would take me that long so let' see.

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