
Hi all,

After a little hiatus of some 7 years and a little lurking, I'm back after our recent move to the Charente Maritime.

We've brought our Disco 4 (65 plate) and my Mighty 90 (58 plate) with us and we have the whole re-registering the vehicles in France to look forward to (already gleaned some good gen from threads, thanks all).

As a Welcome to France gift, for the first time since I've had it, the 90 decided it was going to go big in terms of making life difficult and threw it's toys out of the pram, or its coolant out of the loop, on the autoroute just North of Tours as I was heading home for the first UK replenishment trip (that story is for another thread!).

Our nearest town is Matha (20 mins). First question to those of you who may know the area; can anyone recommend either a LR specialist or simply a good trustworthy garage in the area who I can go to to look after the cars? I'm not too fussed about dealerships, in fact, as I did in the UK, I'd rather find a smaller operation who knows their business, won't shaft me and wants to retain their customers (and if they have a pile of Landy mags in reception, so much the better). The Disco boot release is playing up where you can hear the solenoid/latch actuate when pressing the button but the latch won't release.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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