Whereabouts in Newark? MHM is wondering if you could pick up a Disco 2 front slam panel and take it 'South' ... I've had it here for some time, but wouldn't mind taking it to Newark if you have room for it and can take it somewhere close to Basingstoke, or elsewhere more Southerly than Doncaster, with MHM's agreement!! ;)

I'm working Saturday morning but could visit Newark to drop it off for the afternoon/evening perhaps .. Or what would be a good time to suit you if we can make it work?
could meet you in Newark sat or Sunday before 1400. Also going to Salisbury the following weekend so if he's prepared to meet me on the M3 next weekend I could drop it off too him. Let me know
That sounds absolutely brill :D.
I will happily pay any out of pocket expenses as it saves me a trip and renewing my passport :)
No worries, I can definitely be in Newark on Saturday at about 12 midday if that's OK? The missus will be in Leeds for a 'girlie weekend' apparently so I have the weekend, apart from work, free .. ;)
ok no problems can happily do that. If you call me Saturday I will meet you in Newark and then make arrangements during the week with the mad hatter.
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No worries .. Take your number off the post now, it'd be better on the Conversation (personal mail) system ... ;)
And all done this end too ...

@Ruby Range now has @The Mad Hat Man s front slam panel and it's somewhere en-route towards that London ish ... MHM, contact Ruby for collection .. :)

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