
Hello All,

I would like to locate a particular vehicle. (owner's address)I've seen it around the area very, very ocassionally.
Not interested in the vehicle itself - only the registration mark on it.
Any ideas, I havn't tried the DVLC as I think that they would not divulge such info, would they ?

regards Red
hang on,he asks for help then wont give out any info so we can help him.bye bye bud.:doh::doh::doh:
Come on Guys,
Can't reveal the reg. can I. might increase the competition. lol.

Is the question Can I or Will I? See the answer to this is...

Yes you can and if you don't then the original post is a waste of time since there is only 2 ways to find the car!

1) Let us know what the Number Plate is and we could find its registered keeper or

2) Go to the address of the registerd keeper and find out where they keep the car!

Since you don't know the address and the only peice to the puzzle is the Registration Plate then seems an obvious one to me!

But it may be a waste of time either way as if it is a cherished number plate they would have to be strapped for cash to let it go. Or you would have to pay over the odds.

If not my guess is that it is sinister and we may end up been accesories to whatever goes down!
seen a disco today that had a reg num,
hope that helps
fock just sor a rr and that had one ?
may be they all got hem
Aren't you all being a bit hard on the OP?
What he meant was does anyone know a way, other than asking the DVLA, how he can find out the regisitered keeper of a vehicle. He didn't want you to do it for him, which is why he didn't give you the reg number. He just wants you to point him the right direction to find out for himself

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