
Well-Known Member
Went to use Scratchy today after a week or so and noticed the drivers door was ajar and the window open. Strange, I thought.

And the ignition lock had been removed (I hadn't gotten around to replacing the bolts with shear bolts).

Scratchy's self preservation scuppered the thieving cnuts - when I put the ignition back together again I discovered the clutch pedal had gone - so he must've blown the slave cylinder to stop them taking him away.

NICE ONE SCRATCHY! He's safely in my employers garage now until I get some more safety devices fitted.
Get a steering wheel lock, bar, thingy.. Good (cheap) visual anti theft device.. You just have to remember to put it on every night..
Land Rover were well ahead of their time, they made vehicles self-aware. Some people call it unreliable, I just call it the vehicle isn't happy and wants to stop.

Just out of interest, as there are over 500 stolen threads. Does anyone know how many actually have happy endings?
MP, yeah. Just up the hill.

Apparently there was loads of thieving going on on Tuesday - Middle Beach Cafe (they got £185 of staff tips), car park machines (which had already been emptied) and some other stuff on the beach.
Steam fair pikeys at it already?? Have heard of various metal disappearing in the last week around Upton and Nuffield industrial estates. :banghead:
It seems to last longer every year:rolleyes:
Glad they didn't get him :)
I wouldn't point a finger at the steam fair lot. More than likely just some scum on holiday seeing what they can get away with.
I didn't mean the actual steam fair people, but there seems to be a definite increase in thefts at this time of year, don't know if people come down for the fair, as usually goes quiet not long after, but yeah probably is just rough tourist types too, whoever they're cheeky f***ers!
I wouldn't point a finger at the steam fair pikeys, they're nasty bastards and would more than likely nick my watch! Did you see what they did to the Bradbury Rings Road last year?

Seems like it was a concerted effort of crap thieving. Gits!
Just out of interest, as there are over 500 stolen threads. Does anyone know how many actually have happy endings?

LOL! No.

Try even asking what security people were using at the time to try and ascertain what works/what clearly doesn't, and see how far you get!

Honestly mate - forget it! They're getting nicked and they'll keep getting nicked and that's it! :cool:
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what happened at badbury rings, there nothing there to nick is there?

Took the council a week and thousands of spondoolies to clear up all their **** (in the literal sense of the word). And, they emptied a local farmers pen of pheasants. Hundreds of immature, inedible birds slaughtered. Don't matter where they are those scum'll break it, nick it or **** on it.

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