
New Member
Hi, I've been a member for a fair few years now, but now I'm looking to return to the brand. I used to own a Land Rover 90 2.25 petrol from 1985. Will admit it wasn't the best car I've ever had, was a problem car. But I've been through a few cars since then and I'm now looking to buy another Land Rover, a Discovery 2 Landmark Edition. Reason for me coming back are my circumstances have changed and I need a bigger car, currently owning a Corsa VXR, with 2 kids and a little one due any day, the VXR is just not big enough. Soo I'm looking for some advice and helpful tips if everyone could spare a few minutes to reply. Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any replies. Oh and hello everyone, I'm Alan and I'm from the West Midlands

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