
New Member
Iam new to this forum and started a thread regarding an issue with my freelander. Had 9 replies and only two of them offered help. The others...well....considering some are senior members. Comments like burn it !!!! Are less than helpful. I thought this site was a friednly helpful site.. Thanks to the members that gave sound advice its appreciated. And to those that didnt and made not so helpful comments. I think administrators should check what remarks are posted.
Having read through several threads on here I find you do need a good sense of humour, something it appears you don't have.
Iam new to this forum and started a thread regarding an issue with my freelander. Had 9 replies and only two of them offered help. The others...well....considering some are senior members. Comments like burn it !!!! Are less than helpful. I thought this site was a friednly helpful site.. Thanks to the members that gave sound advice its appreciated. And to those that didnt and made not so helpful comments. I think administrators should check what remarks are posted.

Aww....did the big nasty men say mean things to you? :rolleyes:

The point is you got two helpful answers and I'll wager you got them a lot quicker than you would have anywhere else.

Cheer up it's a bank holiday :)
Iam new to this forum and started a thread regarding an issue with my freelander. Had 9 replies and only two of them offered help. The others...well....considering some are senior members. Comments like burn it !!!! Are less than helpful. I thought this site was a friednly helpful site.. Thanks to the members that gave sound advice its appreciated. And to those that didnt and made not so helpful comments. I think administrators should check what remarks are posted.

This is terrible. I will get right on it.:mad:

Two helpful threads reported.
Iam new to this forum and started a thread regarding an issue with my freelander. Had 9 replies and only two of them offered help. The others...well....considering some are senior members. Comments like burn it !!!! Are less than helpful. I thought this site was a friednly helpful site.. Thanks to the members that gave sound advice its appreciated. And to those that didnt and made not so helpful comments. I think administrators should check what remarks are posted.

They do, unfortunately for you, they also have a sense of humour:p:p:p:p:p
For the record, you received a helpful answer/suggestion within 7 minutes of posting that question:eek::eek::eek:, and I notice you haven't been back to update/add to it:rolleyes::rolleyes:.
So may I humbly suggest you either find a more efficient/helpful forum (Good luck with that;)), OR, wind your neck in, find your sense of humour, I'm sure you have one somewhere, and join in and enjoy the forum:D:D:D:D:D
Iam new to this forum and started a thread regarding an issue with my freelander. Had 9 replies and only two of them offered help. The others...well....considering some are senior members. Comments like burn it !!!! Are less than helpful. I thought this site was a friednly helpful site.. Thanks to the members that gave sound advice its appreciated. And to those that didnt and made not so helpful comments. I think administrators should check what remarks are posted.

An I firstly make the most utterly sincerest of of apology for the welcome that you received, and trust me it is not to the usual landyzone standard.

Most of the regularsust have been asleep, you seem to have got off lightly. I'm sorry you didn't receive the usual high standard of abuse :D

Chill out cheer up and pop over to mings bar for some thing to take you mind off it
burning a freelander is a sound bit of advise! and it would sort your problems out, when with the insurance money buy a real landrover instead of the gaylander!!!
Iam new to this forum and started a thread regarding an issue with my freelander. Had 9 replies and only two of them offered help. The others...well....considering some are senior members. Comments like burn it !!!! Are less than helpful. I thought this site was a friednly helpful site.. Thanks to the members that gave sound advice its appreciated. And to those that didnt and made not so helpful comments. I think administrators should check what remarks are posted.

You are not very good at counting are you ...

Check exhaust mounts connected to car :)

oh thats a good idea who would of thought it....:p

Eggsauce heat shield?
Does it only do it under load (i.e. When you need to change down?)
Mine does it but I know one of the cat's is on the way out... :)

exhaust heat shield in engine bay


Not sure what OP''s take on his is but I know my cat's are going cos of the state of the exhaust and the emissions results from the mot.

Best way I could describe the noise (and when it's most likely to do it) is as if it's pinking heavily but it seems to be from round't sub-frame which makes me.think cat.

I seem a touch down on power anorl (but then again I'm running at about 1900kg with tools in...)

Nothing nasty in any of those replies - and MOST are helpful ...

be grateful you could have joined a forum that would reply to you next year - and then with a question to clarify your vehicle ...
If you join a forum you should do the research first. You made all the newbie mistakes, you didn't lurk to find out the "flavour" of the forum, you didn't introduce yourself, you posted in the wrong part of the forum and then you threw your toys out of your pram after getting a mix of abuse and useful replies. You are either a troll or a dickhead.
newbie strop out,i thought burn it was a helpful suggestion,if you cant take a bit of banter and are a bit sensitive or just humorless LZ is not for you
Iam new to this forum and started a thread regarding an issue with my freelander. Had 9 replies and only two of them offered help. The others...well....considering some are senior members. Comments like burn it !!!! Are less than helpful. I thought this site was a friednly helpful site.. Thanks to the members that gave sound advice its appreciated. And to those that didnt and made not so helpful comments. I think administrators should check what remarks are posted.
So you come on to a forum and so far you have 3 posts. The first one was with a problem you have with your vehicle, hoping for a quick answer (which you got several) The second was in the intro to announce your first post, the third post was to complain................ What a #### you sir are a reversed tnuc
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I've been on this forum for a little while now. I've asked questions, some of them stupid, I've made comments, most of them stupid and never had any abuse! What's wrong with me? I feel left out. Might start a abuse me thread.:(
I've been on this forum for a little while now. I've asked questions, some of them stupid, I've made comments, most of them stupid and never had any abuse! What's wrong with me? I feel left out. Might start a abuse me thread.:(

no need to start one can continue on this one if you like :D
If you join a forum you should do the research first. You made all the newbie mistakes, you didn't lurk to find out the "flavour" of the forum, you didn't introduce yourself, you posted in the wrong part of the forum and then you threw your toys out of your pram after getting a mix of abuse and useful replies. You are either a troll or a dickhead.

I wouldn't call any of that abuse by this places standards:rolleyes::rolleyes:, I consider the general standard of abuse much higher:p:p:p

I've been on this forum for a little while now. I've asked questions, some of them stupid, I've made comments, most of them stupid and never had any abuse! What's wrong with me? I feel left out. Might start a abuse me thread.:(

We could always get this moved to Anything goes:D:D:D, although I feel left out as well, there has never been a stroppy noob that has sent me a threatening PM:(:(:(:(

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