Hi all,
had my 1994 Discovery 1 2.5ltr Diesel TDi for 8 months and she's been a goliath of a machine for us...until yesterday returning from a week away with the family, northbound on the M5 just before Bristol, the temp guage shoots up and the white smoke presents itself from under the bonnet.
Been looking at it this morning expecting to find a ruptured pipe (or hoping) but no, it seems that the pressure isn't being generated through the system. Turning the engine over makes the water push back through expansion tank cap straight away. I know that when cold everything should push through the engine even with all the caps off so it can bleed but it's back pressuring. The engine itself sounded rough when i turned it over too.
My theories are a blockage somewhere, failed or failing water pump or a failed or failing head gasket :(

has anyone else experienced this or comfortable with saying what it could be? I love this car and want it fighting fit a.s.a.p.

But hey I'm no expert, wait for a second opinion on here, something's buggered though as if the water pump had packed up I'd think once engine was cool again it would start and drive ok until it over heats again.
Check thermostat too.
Hi all,
had my 1994 Discovery 1 2.5ltr Diesel TDi for 8 months and she's been a goliath of a machine for us...until yesterday returning from a week away with the family, northbound on the M5 just before Bristol, the temp guage shoots up and the white smoke presents itself from under the bonnet.
Been looking at it this morning expecting to find a ruptured pipe (or hoping) but no, it seems that the pressure isn't being generated through the system. Turning the engine over makes the water push back through expansion tank cap straight away. I know that when cold everything should push through the engine even with all the caps off so it can bleed but it's back pressuring. The engine itself sounded rough when i turned it over too.
My theories are a blockage somewhere, failed or failing water pump or a failed or failing head gasket :(

has anyone else experienced this or comfortable with saying what it could be? I love this car and want it fighting fit a.s.a.p.


head gasket most likely ,once fixed check system ie thermostat opens (top hose gets hot )rads ok (rad is hot all over the core surface)system is full by ensuring it overflows at thermostat bung and expansion bottle
I have got a LR mechanic (friend of the family) coming round to take a look tomorrow evening too so hopefully he'll be able to shed more light. I am expecting him to concur with you guys but I'll post back up on here what he finds.
Best of luck matey, dunno if the head gaskets are hard to replace, I'm yet to have engine problems, (the only thing that's not gone wrong on my disco)
cheers Nick.
Just had our friend come and take a look, he seems to think it unlikely the HG has gone but not positive, he has noticed that there has been a water leak where the pump bolts onto the block, fairly certain that gasket there has eroded. Putting a compression tester on in the week to flush it through and find where the pressure loss is coming from. Fingers crossed it's just stemming from there (with my luck i'm crossing my toes, legs and anything else I can)
Again will keep this thread up to date.

Well I'm sure a water pump replacement is a lot better than head gasket! Keep us updated and best of luck :)
hi all sorry I haven't been back to post what has happened with my Disco. It turned out to be the HG but the heat when it blew was intense enough to warp the head itself outside of skimming regulations, ended up having to replace the whole head. Having said that, it's done the trick and my beloved Disco is ruling the road again :D

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