
New Member
I bought a D1 V8 on saturday, and so far i'm a little hesitant to drive it tbh.
All was fine on the day of purchase, long test drive all difflocks working etc.
However on Sunday, I filled it up with gas and some petrol, it was idling like crazy a was cutting out alot, for the next few hours the symptoms changes, first off rough idle, then smooth, then it cut out, then there was white smoke(not steam) and smelt really rich, then there was no smoke, and I heard a very loud bang under the bonnet, I checked and the airbox was fastend up with bungie rope, i'm assuming it came loose, so I refitted it so it wouldnt come loose again - until I purchase a new air box. So I left it until today. Started up no problem, smooth as a v8 should be, so I drove it to work (15mi) no problems, no rough idle or anything.
Anyway on my lunch break decided to pop to the shops and again started with no problems, no rough idle or smoke, but again a really load bang from under the bonnet - passenger side, I pulled over and checked the bungie - was fine. Hasn't budged. So not I'm a bit scared to drive it incase it explodes!!! not a good start to my first Landy, the guy I got it off is not answering his phone, suprise,suprise.
I'm a bit worried now as its my first v8 and I seem to be having problems from the start :mad::mad::mad:
Yeah, the LPG was a bit low yesterday, so I filled it up, I though maybe that was the problem, but the tanks 3/4 full and 1/2 tank of petrol now.
The lpg can backfire when low on gas i take it its a singlepoint system?

If it aint running right on lpg and petrol id be looking at the ignition system, whens the last time it was serviced? plugs leads etc
If it's an early Single Point LPG system, they can be prone to backfiring - often given away by a broken air box, or indeed the remains of an air box now playing home to a 'performance' (trumpet) style air filter.

Get it properly serviced - by an LPG specialist, idealy one who knows Land Rovers. LPG can eat up plugs and leads faster than normal petrol running, and these alone can play real havoc with it all.

Smoke and steam could be anything - from fairly harmless simple faults to full-on Land Rover V8 spectaculars, but any suitable reputable specialist will be able help if you are not familiar with it all yourself.

If it works on Petrol, then it's probably just service stuff or a fault with the LPG system.

Good luck, and welcome...!
Thanks, I've got it booked into the local LPG guy this weekend & his fleet cars are all LR's, so that should be ok, lol. The airbox has seen better days tbh and it is a single point system. The bloke I got it off was changing the leads as I arrived (not a good sign usually) not sure about the plugs, but im sure the garage will advise. The leads he put on were cheapy halfrauds ones & the originals he had seemed to pull and tear off!! He was a bit of a t*t to be honest. I probably should have walked away, but I felt sory for the poor beast & though i'd rehome her. I dont mind spending a few quid where its needed :)
Thanks, I've got it booked into the local LPG guy this weekend & his fleet cars are all LR's, so that should be ok, lol. The airbox has seen better days tbh and it is a single point system. The bloke I got it off was changing the leads as I arrived (not a good sign usually) not sure about the plugs, but im sure the garage will advise. The leads he put on were cheapy halfrauds ones & the originals he had seemed to pull and tear off!! He was a bit of a t*t to be honest. I probably should have walked away, but I felt sory for the poor beast & though i'd rehome her. I dont mind spending a few quid where its needed :)

Thats a bastid, when your selling a car and they pull up as your fixing it, bloody hell, if your on the recieving end though, i would of been very wary.

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