
New Member
Hi Everyone,
can anyone help,i was driving along, when i noticed the oil light on and straight away hardly any accelleration.Managed to crawl the car home and on checking battery completely dead.New battery and loses its charge in no time at all.It will start up when fully charged but no accelleration , any ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated.Its been in my local garage 5 weeks and even they dont know HELP
many thanks( great forum) Steve
You mean the alternator light right!(battery charging light)-if so your alternator is shot and discharging the battery-(when working backwards an alternator can discharge a battery completely quickly-you then have too low a voltage for the rest of your systems)has the field connection come off (thin wire)the alternator or is the connection dodgy.
If it really is your oil light-do you have oil?Not good to carry on driving with no oil.
need to check the oil pump bolt. if this has come loose and lost oil pressure then that could explain the lack of accelleration (engine could be seizing up)
My money's on oil pump bolt too.

handy hint for you. The bulb is RED. It's red for a reason. It's the traffic light system. If ever you have a red light come on on your vehicle DON'T drive it. It means that either the vehicle or yourself run the risk of dieing by driving on.

What could've be £1 worth of threadlock needed could have been turned into a £4k engine needed.

Unless you know what the problem is AND why it happened don't drive on with a red light on.;)

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