
New Member
okay people..treat myself and brought a pickup series 3, the chasis will need a overhall but thats the last of my worries. Ive won a nissan ne33 3.3diesel off ebay as it says it comes with conversion kit ect...all for the price or £100 of her majesties finest, now the thing is do i attach to origanal gearbox or sould i get the nissan gearbox to go with and do a transplant that way???????
i also want to know if putting rrc diffs in is easy as have a mint set sitting in the workshop???? and would they beneift me with this conversion
If you want the hassle bugger about with the Nissan engine and mate to the landrover box. Rangie diffs will be ok with a bigger engine but I found them awful with a normal 2.25 diesel it just makes it lose all driveability. Flogged my pair for £60 and refitted 4.7 jobs much nicer on a daily driver like mine. I didn't notice much in economy,speed or relaxed motoring with the 3.54 diffs fitted.
just done minimal googling for that engine, it appears it's a four cylinder

gonna have a fair bit of torque and some pretty heavy pulses from the looks

i'd suggest you take it easy with the clutch and right foot

i was hoping it was a sixpot which are really smooth and sound really nice
fit a heavy duty clutch if possible ?

your regular 9.5" clutch should do fine behind that engine, i doubt it's increased the overall weight by much and definitely not by a couple of tons (2 tons towing weight)

i've not long pulled a 3.5 rover engine out of a swb and all that had in it was a 9" S2/2a clutch kit, my 109 also still had the 9" clutch in it before i did the engine swap from 2.25p to 200tdi

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