
Well-Known Member
A little story for y'all...

So, I'm buying a PTO rotovator from a chap in Crewkerne - a nice little 100 mile round trip across Dorset and into Somerset. It's too big and bulky to go in my employer's TD5 110 so I decided to take Itchy...

I've previously fitted a straight through, side exit egg-sauce which has proved to be a *bit* boomy. So I changed it back to standard, that's a bit better.

As it was a nice day I decided to go over Steeple Hill - any of yous who were on the chippy run will understand why! The views were amazing, sun shining off the sea and Portland in the distance.

When I got to the junction above the Lulworth ranges I though "might as well" and went straight on up the lane towards Winfrith. I know (sharp intake of breath) laning ON MY OWN. Tut-tut. Well, the rain's been having fun with the lane - on the uphill section a lot of the gravel track has been washed out leaving deep ruts. And down the other side was very muddy with even deeper ruts. FUN. Especially as I couldn't bovvered to get out and engage the free-wheel hubs.

Then on, through Dorchester, turned off for Crewkerne and through a village called Frampton - I noticed a petrol station with a garage behind and a lovely collection of old motors, a 4.2 Jag, and old Merc and a MGB to name a few.

Then, just as I was out of the village there was a squeak. "I recently changed the water pump" thought I, "so it can't be that." Another squeak, then a horrible smell of burning rubber and the ignition lamp was on. "****e".

I pulled over and checked, yeah the alternator wasn't turning. So I limped back to the garage. They leant me a socket set so I could investigate - and yeas the alternator was fubared.

So, I gave the trusty RAC a call. After about twenty minutes on the phone they told me "Sorry, your policy was cancelled back in November for non-payment" "But I paid on-line with my debit card, you recovered me a week later and sent me a £25 fuel voucher" "that's what the computer says. tell you what, as a gesture of good will, if you take out new policy we'll come and recover you". And the cost of the said policy- £150! RAC you can kiss my puckered @rse!

So I gets on the phone to a mate, he drives from Studland to Dorchester, picks up an alternator and belt (the car spares place had the right one!) brings them over and I get it fitted on the roadside. Except the belt was an inch too short so I had to put the old one back on.

So, I didna get my rotovator today - it was getting late, my phone battery had died (thanks RAC) and I haven't got a great deal of confidence in that belt that's been through a bit of a heat cycle.

Back home now, chippies eaten, cider being drunken and having a wee shmoke.

I'm going to try again tomorrow and if the scenery is anything like as beautiful might post a couple of piccies!

That is all.
RAC can be right useless ****es when they want to be,lucky someone had an alternator that fits:)
RAC can be right useless ****es when they want to be,lucky someone had an alternator that fits:)

And lucky I've got a mate good enough to bring it out to me. Even if he did bring the wrong socket set so I had to ask the garage if I could borrow theirs again. :D
Off to check the gearbox oils then I'm going to attempt the mission again. Including the Winfrith lane the other way with a rotavator on the back, if all goes well! Wish me luck...

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