
Active Member
Love the look of this Defender but is it really worth 13.5k? I'm guessing not

Ebay item : 311224141756
That roof rack/roll cage is horrible and I really don't like svx grilles.

Waaay over priced imo
13 grand and not a single pic of the inside ,outside looks nasty il stick to standard colours with scratches and dents thanks
Looks like a bag of ****e. Anything with checker hiding the crossmember is bad news, and that roll cage is ####ing awful.
I'm a bit of a fan of the weird and wacky when it comes to vehicles and I'm going to stick my neck out here and profess to liking it. I don't like it £13.5K though. Just needs a good dollop of Zombie Response Vehicle stickers to finish it off.
I'm a bit of a fan of the weird and wacky when it comes to vehicles and I'm going to stick my neck out here and profess to liking it. I don't like it £13.5K though. Just needs a good dollop of Zombie Response Vehicle stickers to finish it off.

To be honest I commend the bloke for doing it.
It must have took a lot of time, money and skill to do.
But if he's actually getting that kind of money then I need to get into this lr business lark :eek:
I am ashamed to say I quite like the cage in a childish sort of way. But can also see why many would hate it. I dislike chequer plate all its forms.

Price is insane...but send it over here and bet ya he can sell it. Some serious s**t sells for big money here!
Ok, well thats just ridiculous.

Just my opinion, but my love for Land rovers is their ruggedness and bare bones simplicity.

Mine is my daily working vehicle but also my car as such so I love it for its purpose. I think once you start trying to make them so luxurious you are bypassing the whole point of the vehicle.
Dont get me wrong - fair play to anyone who has £72,000 odd quid to spend on a vehicle. But I'd certainly be looking at a nice Landy + something else special for that money!!!!
Khan or not, if it's a real tratter I bet the rear cross member will need to be replaced within the next 5 years

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