Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


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Brother-in-law has just had his renewal quote for his Japcrap insurance, he's having kittens it has gone from £346 pa to £964. Talk about PANIC!!!!! Sorry, £304 up to £977 and SAGA was £1376, his postcode is HD1 seems a bit steep.
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Good insurance policies are out there...

I'm on a classic multi-vehicle policy with Footman James for my 1994 Calibra V6, 1991 Maserati 222 SE and 1966 S2a, fully comp., unlimited mileage on all vehicles, breakdown cover and use of other vehicles, 635 quid a year :D

With this policy you have to have 3 vehicles or more, and one can be modern.
Mine doubled to about £650, to say I was miffed is an understatement. Problem is they do cover most of what I want to do in the car :(

No contest really
Think insurance in general has gone up this year! as much as 40% in some cases, it due to all the imigrants driving around with no insurance... just the state of the country at the min aint it... everything seems to be going up apart from what we earn... :mad:

Try a company called Sureterm saved me a fortune and you get green lane cover which is handy.... :D:D
Think insurance in general has gone up this year! as much as 40% in some cases, it due to all the imigrants driving around with no insurance... just the state of the country at the min aint it... everything seems to be going up apart from what we earn... :mad:

Try a company called Sureterm saved me a fortune and you get green lane cover which is handy.... :D:D

That's who I'm with for my V8, Sureterm. Lancaster insurance do LR policies too.

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