
Well-Known Member
The car is fixed up, serviced and very nearly ready to roll once again. I just need to get the paper work through from the DVLA, including my new UK registration number plate. I had hoped it would be ready sooner as I have to go to St Petersburg for work and that would mean a nice road trip - however not to be.


So the next trip will be Lisbon in October. I have five days to get there and five to get back. I was thinking of taking the ferry to Cherbourg, rather than calais and have to go round Paris.

Ideally I'll put in some long drives in France to get down to the Pyrenees and then do a little more interesting drives.

Does anyone have any recommendations of places to see / roads to drive down that way? I'm camping (wild where I can) and of course prefer to be off the well beaten roads where possible.
The car is fixed up, serviced and very nearly ready to roll once again. I just need to get the paper work through from the DVLA, including my new UK registration number plate. I had hoped it would be ready sooner as I have to go to St Petersburg for work and that would mean a nice road trip - however not to be.

View attachment 103376

So the next trip will be Lisbon in October. I have five days to get there and five to get back. I was thinking of taking the ferry to Cherbourg, rather than calais and have to go round Paris.

Ideally I'll put in some long drives in France to get down to the Pyrenees and then do a little more interesting drives.

Does anyone have any recommendations of places to see / roads to drive down that way? I'm camping (wild where I can) and of course prefer to be off the well beaten roads where possible.
If you do the Pyrenees its worth popping into Andorra just to see/experience it as it is an interesting place.
Not sure if your looking for a driving holiday or a holiday in Portugal. Had you thought of the Ferry Portsmouth to Santandar in Spain. On the other hand there are lots of great places to visit through France.
I think getting the ferry to Santander would take too much time / money. I'd rather spend both on the road, I'm looking forward to driving in the landy again.

I'm definitely thinking road trip rather than 'holiday in one place'. I'm thinking hills on the way down and the coast on the way back up.
Cherbourg to Lisbon in 5 days in an air-conditioned, cruise controlled Ford Mundane or VW ****shat would be realistic, but in a Defender you will be pushing it. Forget wild camping and greenlaning as you would be stuck on French/ Spanish and Portuguese motorways to get there and back on time.
The Bilbao or Santander route would suit your timetable a lot better.
For places to stop there is a campsite at Santillana del mar, a medieval and interesting town. My favourite campsite in the world is Camping el Astral at Tordesillas. And Coja in Portugal is my favourite town with a municipal campsite.
Went from Le Havre to the Algarve and back last year in a 300 tdi Disco, cruising at 100kmh until the Portuguese heat forced me to slow down and turn the air-con off. Doing a similar journey this year but in a Porsche Cayenne. Hope it's a reliable as my old Disco but better at keeping cool.
Had a look at the Plymouth to Santander ferry option and for the cost and the near one day long crossing time, I'm going to plan with driving through france. I get pretty sea sick and don't like the idea of paying £500 to feel terrible for a day. Although it does save me some time, I quite enjoy being in the landy (it's been 4 months since I've driven it after living in it for 5 months) so the drive doesn't put me off.

I'll get to cherbourg and head south. I think I can get to the south in two days comfortably based on past drives, then cross the Pyrenees and head to Lisbon
Wow. You lived in your Landy for 5 months and still enjoy it?
You are clearly made of tougher stuff than I.
But driving a Defender for around 8-10 hours per day for 10 days will be a challenge.
I suppose now you're going to tell me that you intend to avoid tolled roads?

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