
New Member
Good afternoon all,
I posted this in the series forum, but have had no response at all so I thought I'd give it a go here.

My Disco failed its MOT on thursday, giving me an excuse to splash out on the Series 3 that was sat on my uncles drive for the last 6 months.

So now that I have sorted the knackered shocks and replaced the broken rear halfshaft, bolted down the rear benches and finally actually fitted the bucket seats that my cousin bought but never got around to fitting, my attention has turned to the engine.

It currently has a Diesel engine in it which pumps out more smoke than is acceptable, so it needs sorting before I pay for another MOT this month.

The Disco actually passed the emissions test (one of the few things that were any good apparently) so the plan is carry out a heart transplant and put the good 200 TDI from the Disco into the S3.

I know this has been done, but I will be carrying out the work myself and was wondering if there was anyone here that has done it/had it done themselves that could answer a few questions for me.

What I need to know is:
  • Will the engine mounts need moving?
  • Will I be able to put in the Disco gearbox too, if not which one should I use?
  • Depending on the gearbox, what about propshafts etc?
  • Will the chassis or body work need adjusting to allow the engines ancills to fit?
I look forward to hearing any advice that may be available.

BTW, it is a 1979 SWB, if this makes any differance.
why not use the complete drive train from the disco, including axles and props. you may have to have the props shortened but i would say this is an easy option. you could even go as far as converting it to a coiler, you have all the parts you need on the disco ;)
My series 3 (LHD) had a 200TDi from a (RHD) Defender plonked in. Here's what we found:
Will the engine mounts need moving? :eek: Yes, the RH front one got chopped off and moved a bit.

Will I be able to put in the Disco gearbox too, if not which one should I use? :eek: I'd have thought so. I wanted to keep me red and yella knobs so kept the series box. Fitted a new transfer box with a bigger high ratio so she now does 130 kmh.

Depending on the gearbox, what about propshafts etc? :eek: Wasn't an issue with mine so don't really know. Suppose you can make anyrhing fit if you try...

Will the chassis or body work need adjusting to allow the engines ancills to fit? :eek: Nope - everything went in with room to spare. The only mods I made were to accommodate the steering coz it's above the chassis on the S3 but below on the Defender. This would've caused it to foul the intercooler so I had a local company chop the corner off.

Do it! You know you want to. :cool:


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