
Active Member
So, having replace the front prop shaft after breaking it in France the other week my PAS pump has up and split on me. That will be why its so heavy on the steering.

I'm meant to be off to Belgium with the Wife on Friday for our first wedding anniversary but I'd better get this fixed first.
So here is the problem

As you can see the front and bearing/spacer has popped out.

2 questions.

1. Can I drive it without a PAS pump and just disconnect the pulley?
2. How easy is it to fit a new pump?
1- yes but it will be hard work , possibly dangerous and you'll need to source a shorter belt.
2- easy and the best option too.
Hi Flossie,

Cheers for the reply. Why would I need a shorter belt? I thought that it was driven by the crank only. I just intended removing that belt. Where would the shorter belt go too?
I'd be a bit concerned about the steering column and its little bitty universal joints if the power steering was not operational. They look a bit lightweight to cope with all the heaving around you'd need to do on the steering wheel. Shouldn't be impossible to find a power steering pump nearby in a day or so as they're fairly standard service items, and they don't take too long to swap over.
Hi Flossie,

Cheers for the reply. Why would I need a shorter belt? I thought that it was driven by the crank only. I just intended removing that belt. Where would the shorter belt go too?
I didn't know what engine you've got so guessed (wrongly).
I drove mine around 5 miles after losing my power steering just to get home and it wasn't nice.
A Doris couldn't do it unless she was one of them butch tattooed necked plumpers.
I must be one of those mad landy owners you hear off. I'm up and awaiting daybreakso i can take the PAS pump off before going to work. its bloody 5am.
Ifs it the 200tdi def engine they always do it, Ive been through three, the front bearing is separate from the oil side of the pump so only has a finite life, plus if you off road the thing in deep water/mud it will die pdq, the 200 def pas pump is the most expensive 200 pas pump there is!
Piece of **** to fit
I reckon will drive just fine with no pas, well apart from the fact its slow and noisy!
PAS pump successfully fitted. Defender drives like a dream now. I reckon its been broken for ages. The rattling just started this week. New pump and im spinning the steering wheel with a couple of fingers as opposed to pulling my muscles in my arms dragging it round..
ah just followed busters how tt fit the pump and it all went fine. Apart from the part where im trying to get teh push on runner hose off. Now im not a puny weakling but that hose made me feel like one.

Now off to catch the channel tunnel and a weekend in Bruge with the missus to celebrate our first wedding anniversary. Thats twice in a fortnight the Defender has been on the continent. first off 2259 miles round France, Switzerland and Italy. This time justa short trip.
My hose was over length so I slit the first 15mm to aid removal and trimed off square before refitting.
Well done!
ah just followed busters how tt fit the pump and it all went fine. Apart from the part where im trying to get teh push on runner hose off. Now im not a puny weakling but that hose made me feel like one.
Need to put new seals in mine soon, leaking from the front. Do you have a link to Busters how to fit?


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