Eh up lad howstha doin? come on in pull up a floorboard and make thissen comfortable.
Hello there, ows ya doing?

hope you find you like it here, ;)

can be strange but tis ok once ya get used to the locals :p
Aye Welcome Mate,

Ey Up Heidi, Where Yer Bin, We Thought The Dutch Army Had Conscripted Yer Fer Iraq

Merry Xmas Anyway ;)
Ey Oop Yella ;)
Nah, just been busy with other stuff - playing with the Mog and arguing with the local farmers about rights of way (round 1 to Farmer Giles: he had a tractor and I was in the X1/9 :rolleyes:). Also been trying to sort out next year's shows and stuff like that. Next year's Colchester Garrison open day will be on 16th June ~ Heidi sends you all an invitation :)

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