
Active Member
Morning all,

Pete here, with a bit of a bitsa project. 90% Series 3 with a smattering of 2a here and there.
Picked it up 4 years ago and didn't do enough research at the time to spot that it really shouldn't have the 2a registration and log book. Realising later that Dad and I had bought something that wasn't what it said on the tin (naive or what?!!?) we abandoned the poor thing under tarpaulins with the front end all apart, half the welding done and no real idea of what we wanted to do.

Now is the time to drag it out again and finish off.
The rear of the chassis has rusted out on top, so we will go for a galvanised one. Change the 2¼ Diesel for a petrol (mpg isn't an issue, noise is!) and ditch the 11 leaf rock hard springs for some parabolic and hopefully we will have what we wanted - a useable useful Landy to trundle around in.

It won't be worked over much, it won't go mad offloading. But it will be useful in a lot of ways and will earn it's keep.

I'm sure to have lots of (daft) questions but I'll make sure to do a search first - I imagine anything I want to know has been done to death already!

Hope to stick around a while a learn, and maybe even learn enough to contribute!

Welcome to the forum
Morning all,

Pete here, with a bit of a bitsa project. 90% Series 3 with a smattering of 2a here and there.
Picked it up 4 years ago and didn't do enough research at the time to spot that it really shouldn't have the 2a registration and log book. Realising later that Dad and I had bought something that wasn't what it said on the tin (naive or what?!!?) we abandoned the poor thing under tarpaulins with the front end all apart, half the welding done and no real idea of what we wanted to do.

Now is the time to drag it out again and finish off.
The rear of the chassis has rusted out on top, so we will go for a galvanised one. Change the 2¼ Diesel for a petrol (mpg isn't an issue, noise is!) and ditch the 11 leaf rock hard springs for some parabolic and hopefully we will have what we wanted - a useable useful Landy to trundle around in.

It won't be worked over much, it won't go mad offloading. But it will be useful in a lot of ways and will earn it's keep.

I'm sure to have lots of (daft) questions but I'll make sure to do a search first - I imagine anything I want to know has been done to death already!

Hope to stick around a while a learn, and maybe even learn enough to contribute!

Back in the covid free days people used to buy a series 2a logbook and put it onto their series 3 so it would be tax exempt and you'll still see series 3's being sold as 2a's on ebay.
Welcome to the forum:D
Hi folks, thanks for the warm welcome!

Unfortunately it looks like the log book/identity swap was carried on out mine in the past :(

I will find a few piccies and put them up - they're not very flattering though!

Preparing for having the chassis swap by making sure things undo and come apart where they should...
The steering relay is fighting back though! Ah well, it's all good fun!

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