
New Member
Hi, I have just registered with the site.
I recently purchased my first land rover after owning a few jaguars over recent years.
Always wanted a Range Rover, and decided now was the time to make the leap.
Recently purchased a Range Rover Vogue. So far so good.
Getting used to parking bays not designed for the Range Rover Vogue size.
Enjoying the superior ride height. Haven't had it long enough to make any comments regarding performance and mpg, but looking good so far.

The ride height and view is very good. You will get used to the size and which carparks to avoid:)


Got any pics:) we like pics of the car of course.:)

Welcome. Get used to parking as far away as possible from everyone else, so they don't hit you with their door ;).
Which particular model Range Rover did you purchase? We like to know these things, especially @Henry_b . Photos are also welcome :)
Who me? But yes 8speed 4.4 tdv8 2011.

The OP has something even more refined/trouble:eek::).


Oh no - I know what you got lol. I meant the OP as he likes jags and hear they are a good engine. I changed some of the words in your quote. My simple idea of fun :)

L405, thought you said a RR? :eek::p

Only joking, welcome to the forum ;)
Welcome to the forum
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Thank you for the warm welcome to the forum, obviously Land Rover owners are the nicest people on the planet. :D
Morning all,
I have received an invitation to attend a half day land rover experience, just wondering which site is the best to visit, any thoughts?
Morning all,
I have received an invitation to attend a half day land rover experience, just wondering which site is the best to visit, any thoughts?
Eastnor castle. But they may limit it to the closer options to where yer live. They don't do the free half days at busier sites like Solihull.
Morning all,
I have received an invitation to attend a half day land rover experience, just wondering which site is the best to visit, any thoughts?
Have to say don't know as never did a dealeresque one. However, will say, don't be scared of what she can do. Enjoy every second in it and always remember when something looks impossible: they know the vehicle and the course. Go for it have fun , but also learn the limitations of your vehicle and most importantly , your own driving :)
Cheers, never been 'off roading' before, should be fun.
They're used ter peeps who are new to it. They promote safe use and theory so yer will be learning new skills the propper way. Yer can take passengers anorl.
Thanks, I haven't decided on which site to visit yet but I am really looking forward to testing the car to its limit. I have watched a bit of you tube footage and it looks fantastic.

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