
New Member
This tread is also in the newby section but more guy's reading in this section than the newby.

Just started to look at Discoverys and I am short of the cash for a new one so I am looking at around £13-14k to get me a decent 03 plate 2.5 TDI. Only thing is I dont know the model range, i.e. S ES GS landmark etc.

I have been looking at a ES which has more goodies than the GS that I was also looking at, but as i said before, i dont know what the Landrover Discovery model line up is. Can someone help?

Thanks Tank
I imagine it might be different in the UK, but here in Aus, they only have two models. The base model and the ES. The ES has everything, and the base model comes with a series of options that can be requested, so no two may be alike. Mine has the 7 seats, CD pack, electronic mirrors, compass and a few others. Not sure if it's the same over there.

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