
New Member
Hi every one I thought it was about time I joined rather than just lurking in the background :cool:Please be ready to answer and obvious questions from me as I have just got my first landy it's a 1984 110 2.25 as a ongoing project I got it from someone who was the second owner and it's only done 68,000 but it's been stood for the last 12 year :confused:The reason I got it was cos I am in to shooting with fac and shotguns and I was sick of getting stuck in fields at 2am with my frontera .
It fired into life with a new battery ( after I changed the oil and plugs etc ) but now I have to solve having no clutch feel it's feels like it's just the spring holding the peddal back ,,,, but no doubt I will put a post on in a while asking how to sort it .
Hi every one I thought it was about time I joined rather than just lurking in the background :cool:Please be ready to answer and obvious questions from me as I have just got my first landy it's a 1984 110 2.25 as a ongoing project I got it from someone who was the second owner and it's only done 68,000 but it's been stood for the last 12 year :confused:The reason I got it was cos I am in to shooting with fac and shotguns and I was sick of getting stuck in fields at 2am with my frontera .
It fired into life with a new battery ( after I changed the oil and plugs etc ) but now I have to solve having no clutch feel it's feels like it's just the spring holding the peddal back ,,,, but no doubt I will put a post on in a while asking how to sort it .

All right mate that sounds like one of two probs. 1 The clutch slave cylinder has perished due to sitting up for so long. check to see if fluid in reservoir, it is bolted to the bulk head in front of the driver. or 2 the master cylinder has perished you will usually find a pool of an oily substance in the foot well beneath the clutch peddle. Both probs are cheap and easy to do yourself. I would buy a haynes manual (good beginners guide) go on line and order both cylinders. you could get both for less than £40. There is a how to guide on the forum called Busters Guide, its excellent with pictures and anorl. There is also endless peeps on here ready and happy to advize. Oh and :welcome:
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Thanks for the response ... I have ordered a new master and slave to replace them I also ordered a new flexy pipe . When I took the old ones of I noticed that the short pipe inbetween the flexy and slave had a crack in it so I will need to change that too ..... Many thanks
Hello m8, pleased there's someone else from up here on this forum thingy. Good luck with the Landy. They aren't complicated, designed to be fixed infields by farmers.
After 12 years I would think about checking all the brakes before venturing out onto the road. Definitely change the brake fluid; check the seals in the master cylinder; make sure the brakes function on all 4 wheels.

Personally I'd also check all the fluid levels and quality of the fluids- they may have gone many years ago, and grease all the nipples.

Finally, what's the rubber like on the tyres? But if you need new ones, please don't ask what size are best.;)
Finally, what's the rubber like on the tyres? But if you need new ones, please don't ask what size are best.;)

Oh go on go on go on, ask away, you'll get LOADS of constructive and helpful replies, they all love tyre questions round here ;):D:D:D:rolleyes:

:welcome2: to the mad house pal. ;)

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