
New Member
Hello, I've been a 4x4 enthusiast for many a year now mainly vitaras and fronteras but am finally turning back to the dark side and getting myself a little disco well not so much little but fairly huge actually lol, anyway i wont keep you guys reading for too long, i'll be posting a few questions soon and am looking forward to getting back into the swing of cursing and swearing under the bonnet of an offroad beast

Cheers Rob

For preventative maintenance I regularily stick my head under the bonnet and swear profusely when there's nothing wrong.

It also saves you the bother of having to think up new and imaginative insults when something actually breaks and you're under stress.

Obviously to build up a positive store of undirected curses you need to keep to a rigorous twice daily schedule, more if it's your daily drive. Some find it necessary to keep up a constant stream of threats and expletives whenever within shouting distance.

I hope that helps...

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