Hi all,
New to the site and Land Rovers. Just bought a 1996 ex Mountain Rescue 110 Ambulance with very few miles on it. What have I done???? I am used to driving new cars and my "other" car is an almost new Audi s6 Avant. Very reliable, smooth, comfortable etc etc. Did I mention quick?
In the past 24 hours "Edmund" (Hilary of course) has brokeb down, refused to let me open one of his doors, illustrated what is meant my candle watt lights and leaked very cold rain water through the sunroof! Oh did I mention this Morning he wouldn't start as obviously I had left "something" on hence a very flat battery.
Having endured all the above I have to say that I cannoy wait for day break tomorrow as we are going out again for more fun and smiles!
Once I find someone who can advise me how to stop the leak, improve the lights and improve the speed (a little) I will be truly happy. Should a 3.5 ltr V8 really be so slow??? All advise gratefully received and I look forward to bumping into some of you guys at some stage.
Welcome along from another S6 owner...the legendry 5pot one:D;)

A well cared for v8 is no quattro but moves well for a 2ton block of flats:)
:welcome2::welcome2: good luck with stopping the leaks, if you manage it be sure to let us know how, oh and Land Rover may well drop you a few quid, they've been trying for decades to make a Landy watertight and haven't managed it yet, ;););)

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