
New Member
Hi all, we have an '03 TD4 Kalahari which has been a dream to own and run over the last 18 months believe it or not! Dealers are a bit ambitious with prices but aren't they all!

We only have one remote for the door locks so am looking into getting a new remote fob (already have 2 keys) - how easy is it to program these to open the doors etc, is the immobiliser activated and deactivated by the remote fob or buy something in the key itself

Any advice gratefully received!
Page 31 of the owners manual states "if the handset fails to lock or unlock the car, this may be because the coded signal transmitted by the handset and the signal expected by the alarm control unit are no longer synchronised. To resynchronise the handest, operate either button of the handset at least five times in quick succession (in close proximity to the vehicle)."

Whether or not this would work with a new fob, perhaps with the key in the ignition turned to position 3 I am not sure. I also have a Vauxhall Zafira, and any remote control key can be added by turning the ignition on and then pressing the lock button. The car then locks and unlocks. End of job.

As to the immobiliser, I believe there is a passive chip in the key which is picked up by an aerial coil around the ignition lock barrel, so the remote should have no bearing on this.

Hope you succeed, if you do, post to let me know how you get on as little jobs like this get charged a full hour at the main stealer, even though it only takes a couple of mins.
Remote fobs need to be coded into the system. Dealer job only or someone with specialist equipment.

The key contains no wizardry, its the fob that houses the electronics that enables the vehicle to start.

You can test by removing the key, placing the fob on the floor and trying to start your vehicle.


Hi all, we have an '03 TD4 Kalahari which has been a dream to own and run over the last 18 months believe it or not! Dealers are a bit ambitious with prices but aren't they all!

We only have one remote for the door locks so am looking into getting a new remote fob (already have 2 keys) - how easy is it to program these to open the doors etc, is the immobiliser activated and deactivated by the remote fob or buy something in the key itself

Any advice gratefully received!

Dont pay too much for the fobs - they are £90 from a dealer, but can be bought for £10 or less on ebay. There are also a lot of people who can program them. I can suggest some in the Midlands area - i'm not sure of your location.
Thanks for your responses guys. The fobs seem to vary between about £7 and £20 on ebay, there is only one for sale at the mo that says it's a 'Lucas 17TN' which is what the current one is, are they all same or best to go for like for like?

@ G13 SJC - I am in Northampton so sort of Midlands I suppose! I do know one auto electrical specialist but not sure how specialist you need to be for this!?
Don't wish to start a disagreement Mr G13SJC sir, you being a senior member, and me only being a newbie junior, but having read your post, left the fob in the kitchen, went outside, unlocked my freelander and then started it with the key alone.

Maybe a difference between models ?
Don't wish to start a disagreement Mr G13SJC sir, you being a senior member, and me only being a newbie junior, but having read your post, left the fob in the kitchen, went outside, unlocked my freelander and then started it with the key alone.

Maybe a difference between models ?

Could be.... I'm no LR expert :)

Mines a 1998 model and the key is pretty standard. Is your fob the 17TN type (two button)??
Thanks for your responses guys. The fobs seem to vary between about £7 and £20 on ebay, there is only one for sale at the mo that says it's a 'Lucas 17TN' which is what the current one is, are they all same or best to go for like for like?

@ G13 SJC - I am in Northampton so sort of Midlands I suppose! I do know one auto electrical specialist but not sure how specialist you need to be for this!?

I'm a member of MG - Rover.Org -||- The ultimate site for MG and Rover enthusiasts! forums. There is a fella based in Coventry called Lates. His user name is Lates600. He has the correct tools to program remotes.

17TN is what you need. I have a few spares that I have spotted and bought from scrap yards.

Hope this helps, If you need any more details (like his mobile / email etc) PM me.


???????? Just had a quick squint in the owners manual but nothing obvious springs out, says 'L20 Immobiliser' and something like DA819 in relation to the air movement sensors I think

Any surefire place to find it?
Hi Guys

I seem to remember a few years ago a friend of mine with a Freelander keyfob that opened the tailgate window remotely. Did I imagine this or do these keyfobs exist? Anyone know where to get hold of one if they do exist?


Just keep yer finger on the unlock button till the winders down;)

key in the back door brings it back up !

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