
New Member
Hi all Im looking to buy either a 3 or 4 disco or maybe a range but really have no idea what the best option will be, Ive heard the 2.7V6 is prone to problem? so that kinda rules out a 3 & some range's. Really appeaciate some advice from you guys, budget is around 12/13k, up in the North yorkshire moors area just outside Whitby. Any thoughts most welcome. I have 2 aircooled VW's & are OK spanner wise with those but always wanted a landy & these are a different ball game lol..
Help !!
How about you get the one that is the best option for you and your circumstances. The Disco 3 or 4 will be able to transport you and whomsoever you wish, with cargo, to almost anywhere you wish to go.
As for a range I rather like the one below. Although maybe black is nicer, and much less than 12/13k
If you can afford it, then by all means I'd say go for the disco 4. Don't quote me on this, but I believe all the major known issues with the 3 had been ironed out with the introduction of the 4, including the known weakness in the oil pump casting in the 2.7 V6. Do a search, I do remember one of the members posting a buyer's guide on here a while back.
Welcome to the loonyzone, and all the best with whatever you settle on purchasing.
I'm not the best to give advice, but I'd go for something round the £8-10k mark that runs LPG then you have a few pennies left over to fix any issues, with the benefit you know they've been fixed and not bodged. Whatever used vehicle you buy will likely have issues, even if it's 12 months old

Thought I would add the buyers guide I done which I hope will help


I’m afraid to say The TDV6 2.7 and 3.0 engine have been known to snap cranks from 2005 right up to the latest D4s

Oil pump casing an issue from 2007 , however seen a few reports from 2005 so always a must if the history is unknown to get the belts and updated oil pump cover replaced

If buying a D4 get a good warranty and ensure it covers crank issues

Hope that helps
@gstuart , talking about engines for the discovery 3 and 4, any idea about the longevity and reliability of their V8 units, are they any better?


I’m afraid I’m not up to speed with the TDV8

Only thing I’ve heard of in the TDV8 are when a turbo fails and oil makes its way in to the cylinder causing hydraulic locking of the engine

A more experienced member should be able to guide u better , also there are members on the D3 /4 forum which have the TDV8
Was asking more on the lines of the V8 petrol units...... I know most of the ones sold in Europe came with the TDV6, but for the US and other World markets they predominantly came with V8 petrol units. Strange thing is these ones seem to be holding their value as they get on in years unlike in the instance of the D2.
Regardless, the discovery 4 is an excellent vehicle, and if the V8 petrol doesn't have any major issues, it would certainly be the one to have.

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