
New Member
Hi All,
I've recently purchased a LR Defender 90. I am looking forward to trying my hand at some greenlaning and would like someone local to me (HERTS) to steer me in the right direction. Can anyone one help ?

Many thanks in advance

Skippy :)
I'm based in Herts and we seem to be poorly off for Green Lanes.

I have recently joined GLASS and have access to their rather antiquated, yet apparently up to date, list of green lanes. There are some around Bovingdon and more further North.

I am hopefully going to get out in the next few weeks and try a few lanes for the first time. Whereabouts are you in Herts?

Gimme a PM and we can maybe arrange something.

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner but my computer has been playing up. Unfortunately I'm far away from Gloucester but thanks for the kind offer. Phil I will PM shortly. Thanks

Hi Skippy, I'm new to the 4x4 scene as well and i can't wait to test my 90. I'm just down the road from Pottersbar so let me know if you guys are planning a trip as i'd like to join you if thats ok.

Hi 90=m2
We're planning on meeting up at the start of April. I will keep you posted as so as I know a date.


Hi, im in barnet and looking for some lanes in herts as well. My rangie will be here mid-april so if you find any decent lanes...

Mmmm count me in on that i'm in Hemel and had my first ever landrover for a couple of weeks now and am itching to go off road :)

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