Hi all, the name is John. I have just moved to Brampton (Carlisle) after 39 years in the Army. Managed to get some shooting so obviously had to buy a Range Rover (P38 2.5DSE) to carry my armoury. I've had a couple of problems...I allowed the brake pads to go metal to metal - can't believe there is no warning light - so that was a calliper, 2 discs and a set of pads. Then she overheated on the M6 which resulted in a new coolant pump, thermostat and belts. Now she needs timing chains, sprockets and tensioners...hence my post as the crankshaft sprocket is apparently universally unavailable. The wife now wants me to get rid...I can see a fight on the horizon as I love her dearly...the Rangie that is. I also work with the Brampton and District Red Squirrel Conservation Society doing my best to reduce the grey population (filthy foreign invaders).

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