
Hi All, just thought I would introduce myself.

Just purchased a V8 Disco 1 to replace my now very tired, over worked and heavily abused Frontera. It was a legend of a car!

The sole purpose is for off roading, so I am sure I will have a plenty of technical questions on how to best bodge modifications and repairs.

I love getting out and about greenlaning and going to pay and play days when funds permit.

This is the first landy forum that I have found with decent sub-catagories, which is great.

Many thanks

Welcome Stevd, you'll get plenty of info about landys on this site and I'm sure you will have loads of fun with your disco 1 V8 when your off roading.
Just over the boarder, not far from Chester. Plenty of green lanes in my area. Kind of spoiled really.

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