
New Member
Hi all,

I'm new to the forum. I've been browsing the posts so thought I'd sign up. I've got a Freelander :eek: and hope to get more than a days light off roading out of it. It was given to me by my Dad as a stop gap, so I put a ticket on it and since then it's been sat on the drive. I've heard of an off road place near Truro so I was wondering what I'd need to do to get it to a usable standard.

I know it's the worst engine to have, but it was free.

Is it worth putting some muds on? It will have minimal road use so raod handling isn't that important. Getting out of trouble is. I've read that ATs are better than muds, something to do with stressing the transmission?? :confused:

From a brief glance, I'll need better tyres, and a 2" lift.

What about electrics? Are there any 'must do' jobs to keep them dry?

Look forward to any responses omitting the phrase 'gaylander'.... :)

Hi all,

I'm new to the forum. I've been browsing the posts so thought I'd sign up. I've got a Freelander :eek: and hope to get more than a days light off roading out of it. It was given to me by my Dad as a stop gap, so I put a ticket on it and since then it's been sat on the drive. I've heard of an off road place near Truro so I was wondering what I'd need to do to get it to a usable standard.

I know it's the worst engine to have, but it was free.

Is it worth putting some muds on? It will have minimal road use so raod handling isn't that important. Getting out of trouble is. I've read that ATs are better than muds, something to do with stressing the transmission?? :confused:

From a brief glance, I'll need better tyres, and a 2" lift.

What about electrics? Are there any 'must do' jobs to keep them dry?

Look forward to any responses omitting the phrase 'gaylander'.... :)


Hi Dan ,
The place near Truro is called Baldhu . it's a P & P site , and although i've been put off myself , We're not really into mud plugging , more green laning , I think that you may struggle there with a freelander , even with muds and a lift :eek:
Have a look in the Devon n Cornwall thread in the greenlaning section as some of the bods there go to Baldhu. Good luck with your FL , nobody should look a gift horse in the mouth ...but you could consider doing it up , flogging it and getting a fender instead ..:D

Mrs Muds.:)
Hey up mate and welcome.
Search on here for 'Devon & Cornwall greenlaning thread', theres a few watchers of tht post in your area.

Thanks all. Yeah I'd prefer green laning. I'm not too keen on digging myself out of mud on an hourly basis. Horses for courses in the case of the freelander...

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