
New Member
Hi there,

Stumbled across this nice place trying to find details about Briercliffe for tomorrow, hope you don't mind me hanging about for a while !!!

yes, Clanman, Landie brakes are always a pig to get right:eek: (you need an Ezibleed is what you need;) )


evening mate and welcome to the site
do you do much off roading or know of anywhere decent to go around lancs, the lanes seem to be getting less and less accesable by the year.
If your after details about briercliffe go to
Its a good site would love to be there myself but im on call so no chance
Hi Graham,

Thanks for the welcome !

Waiting for someone to take us out green laning around Rossendale area, as I believe there are quite a few lanes in the area.....

just got back from laning in the Lakes last week up Walna Scar over Coniston way, which was awesome......

Other than that, we lead a sheltered life of pay & play days really.

Where you from then?



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