
New Member
Hi Guys
First post here, just wanted introduce myself.
Im Euan from the Scottish Borders and my interest in Series LRs has been growing rapidly since I was 12. Recently, I have been binge watching videos on Youtube to try and satiate my appetite for them, keep my lust at bay. Simply looking to meet like minded people and hopefully learn a few things along the way! Love the camaraderie that comes along with the Land Rover brotherhood and excited to be part of this forum. :) :)

I have spent the last few months scouring the web in an effort to find myself a project Series II/IIA/III to cut my teeth on. However, my criteria of it being in Scotland (or very near) and £600 or under has made it rather difficult :( Any ideas? Also keep reading stories of people who see/find abandoned ones in fields, Ive never seen one :( Anyone know of any in Scotland worth visiting, even just to look at? :D :D :D
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Thanks guys, happy to be here!
Sounds silly but, is it possible to 'join' a Land Rover Club before youve actually bought a Land Rover?
Welcome. Have you spoken to the Border Landrover guy near Duns? PM me if you want another contact near Coldingham.
Thanks guys, happy to be here!
Sounds silly but, is it possible to 'join' a Land Rover Club before youve actually bought a Land Rover?
Yes, I don't have any Landies at the moment but like many on here, still enjoy the banter. Where in God's Country are you btw?
No, not spoken to him. Dont know anyone interested in Land Rovers near me :( Be great to get involved with a club! :D
Just been to look for it and its been removed........must have been sold! Doesn't surprise me as it was cheap, would have had it myself if I hadn't bought a series one
Have a photo as a runners up prize :p

hi euan not too far away from me..have you read my post? im hoping to get another defender shortly and hopefully ge the off road track sorted we have to arrange you comming down 4 a bit off roading
nah I'm actually from windermere, well edinburgh originally......

don't know anyone in coniston really bar a few from when I was at school

if you get a defender before the last weekend of may we're having a laning weekend down here, wolf from hamilton is coming down
sovietboy, where abouts are you, and how big a project do you want?

know of a s2a 109 that has been partially stripped, needing lots of welding and engine rebuilt.. prolly some missing parts. who knows how much is knackered.. would need a full resto.

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