GG should be well as he's down in my neck of the woods - Queenstown. It didn't wake me but then I'm well to the south.
Woke us in Christchurch, but no physical damage. Anxiety levels up though.

Oh and it as 12:03 AM our time, thanks to daylight saving.
Cheers Teddy - we're all safe, as HTR said we were down his way. The kids were at home, but we've had some serious quakes in Chch so they are used to the ground shaking. We've cut our break short and made the 6 hours drive home.

Thoughts are with @sausage who lives in Culverdon - the epicenter of the quake.
Just looking on the USGS Earthquake map New Zealand is getting hammered in the last two day. Wishing our Commonwealth cousins well:eek:
Just looking on the USGS Earthquake map New Zealand is getting hammered in the last two day. Wishing our Commonwealth cousins well:eek:

So far it is a fairly normal after shock sequence, which will likely go on for a year or two.

Christchurch is still getting aftershocks from 5 years ago.

But thanks for your concern. Actually it may be affecting the Home Country more, as Names may well be called upon.
good to read the NZ Lz residents are ok .. :)
Don't know if people have seen the video of the 3 cows stuck on an "island". Awesome video of the luckiest 3 cows in the world! The ground around them has basically disappeared in the quake.

they managed to rescue the cows as one of my friends is a vet in nz and he advised them also glad you are all ok it looks like our whale watching trip in Kaikoura might be off in February/March
lol, they have got to be the most famous cows in the world! They need an agent :)

The Feb 2011 quake that did all the damage here in Chch was an aftershock from an initial quake in Sept 2010. So yeh, Kaikoura will still be a shakey place in Feb/March next year. The aftershocks will go on for many years, but it'll probably be "reasonably stable" after about 18 months/2 years.

It will probably take 18 months/2 years to get the roads north and south open as well. It looks like the inland road to Kaikoura may open "fairly quickly" - but that will basically put it at the end of a 90 minute cul-de-sac. Mind you, Milford Sound is at the end of a 2 hour cul-de-sac and that is still very popular :)
I have driven that coast road a couple of times on the way from Christchurch to Cloudy Bay Winery - based on the time it took to stabilise and repair the landslip up at Kawakawa Bay where my Bro in Law lives - it'll be a bit more than two years - complete sections of road have just disappeared into the sea - others buried in unstable debris - and the railway literally wiped of the land and thrown into the sea in places. Poor old NZ!!
Reminds me of a surreal moment I had on North Island in torrential rain driving a Maui Campervan - looked to the right and saw a group of trees sliding down the hillside to spill onto the road behind me!!!
Love NZ
I have driven that coast road a couple of times on the way from Christchurch to Cloudy Bay Winery - based on the time it took to stabilise and repair the landslip up at Kawakawa Bay where my Bro in Law lives - it'll be a bit more than two years - complete sections of road have just disappeared into the sea - others buried in unstable debris - and the railway literally wiped of the land and thrown into the sea in places. Poor old NZ!!
Reminds me of a surreal moment I had on North Island in torrential rain driving a Maui Campervan - looked to the right and saw a group of trees sliding down the hillside to spill onto the road behind me!!!
My daughter works for Geisen Wines and their Marlborough vineyard has been hit hard - so Cloudy Bay will have been as well :(

You are right about the roads. Nobody is going to want to go anywhere near those slips for a long time because the aftershocks are going to be bringing more debris down on top of them. That's before they start clearing the slips, and there's a huge amount of debris to clear, and then start repairs. I don't think they will reinstate the railway - it will cost far to much for the amount of traffic it carries.

A number of times the PM has said that they will need to look at everything and possibly whether the road is in the right place - so they may even build a new road - or parts of it anyway. I hope they don't spoil it because, as you say, its a truly spectacular road. Not just the scenery either, a number of times we've been along there, there have been pods of Dolphins jumping about that you can easily watch from the road.

The road in Chch closest in 'character' to those Kaikoura roads is the one from Sumner to Lyttleton. It was closed after the quake and is still not open 5 years later. I don't even think they have started to repair it. This is some drone footage of it from last year...

Your moment with the slip would have been a heart stopping moment :)

A German couple were not so lucky last year, their campervan was swept away by a slip in the Haast gorge into the river. IIRC 1 body was found with the van, the other turned up a while later after being carried out to sea and was found on a beach.
For a quiet sleepy little place, there's definitely never a dull moment :)
Kaikoura is going to look like a naval base soon. NZ has two frigates there now, with another one and a tanker on the way. US and Australia are sending two destroyers, Canada, Japan and Singapore have ships on the way as well.

One maritime nation appears to be absent!

Reason for the Navy presence is that many Navies are scheduled to be in Auckland for the 75th Anniversary of the NZ Navy, which was established to support the Empire.
Kaikoura is going to look like a naval base soon. NZ has two frigates there now, with another one and a tanker on the way. US and Australia are sending two destroyers, Canada, Japan and Singapore have ships on the way as well.

One maritime nation appears to be absent!

Reason for the Navy presence is that many Navies are scheduled to be in Auckland for the 75th Anniversary of the NZ Navy, which was established to support the Empire.
There was some great chat on the Paul Henry breakfast show this morning as to which one you'd want to be evacuated on. I think the best suggestion was the US one for breakfast, but then get transferred to the Canadian one because the US boats are dry.

It could be a spectacular sight. The harbour there is a small one for whale watching cats - nowhere near big enough for the ships arriving. There's talk that the HMNZS Canterbury has ro-ro capability and may "beach" itself to let people on. I hope it does, that would be so cool :) They couldn't do it in South Bay, its far to rocky, but the main beach by the "Whale Way Station" (railway station) would be perfect with its deep drop off. Right where we go fishing because it has toilets and a decent coffee shop :)

lol, they have got to be the most famous cows in the world! They need an agent :)

Nope. Their celebrity will be very flash in the pan, and they run the risk of ending up in the jungle, on the barbie if not as a contestant! :D

Here are some famous cows, this lot have been around for centuries, they are quite small, and quite expensive! :)

And this lot have been roaming their park in Northumberland since the 12th century IIRC. A visit is a very good day out!

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