Hi all, just wondering if anyone on here has done any expeds around NZ and if you have any recomended routes? I live near Auckland and spend most weekends visiting Bay of Islands, Taupo and the Coromandel. But when I have longer periods of leave I want to go further afield!

Here is a pic of the Coromandel
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Hello there. Only just caught sight of your thread. I live on the Awhitu peninsula and a mate and I get in some occasional w/e trips to tracks or trails listed in the Offroading New Zealand book.....150 4wd trails.... worth having a browse. At the end of March we did a 2 week trip camping around the South Island when he had some annual leave. At some time we will be doing some of the area around Taumaranui. If you want company checking out some of the back roads just let us know. Of course it is beginning to get a tad colder with the onset of winter!

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